NEVER ALONE FaithfulToOne © 2007

Thursday, March 1, 2007

The 50's Flu

Ok, I sheepishly admit it. In January, I was about to turn age 50 and I was letting it get to me. It is not that I have to look 20 again (Hey it would be nice). I wouldn't go out and nip and tuck everything like Demi Moore did so I could be with a much younger guy, if I had the money (Well maybe a few things LOL). It is just that I really don't feel like 50. When I was 20 years old, 50 seemed so far away. Now in reverse 20 sometimes still feels like only yesterday. I stopped to think what was making me so unhappy about turning 50. Yes our bodies betray us but the shell is not the part of me that is most precious to God or to anyone else that really cares for me. Yes, I wish I could do some of the things I could do at 20 but what I realized is that the 20 year old could not do some of the things I can do now. I guess what it really came down to is that I was really just being time selfish. Time as we get older seems to go by faster and it seems that I never have enough of it anymore and I started to think with my sister battling cancer how much I have left. Then I remembered words of wisdom I read somewhere before. If you have thoughts that tear you down they are from Satan not from God. God's love is there to build us up and make us stronger so that He may use our love, character, and strength to honor his will for our lives. We don't have to be strong people to begin with. We only need to believe and trust in God. His love and strength can conquer anything if we will only believe and trust in Him. So I took my thoughts to prayer. I prayed that God would remove these negative thoughts from my mind and replace them with positive ones. I prayed that His love would show me things that would boost my self-esteem, so that Satan could not bring me down. I told Him that I gave my life to him so many years ago and that my life and my time were His. It did not matter how much I had or didn't have as long as I had God in my life.Since that prayer a number of remarkable things have happened in my life. An old guy friend from back in high school contacted me out of the blue. We were good friends in high school but had not been in contact since then. He got my email from our alumni site. We had so much fun catching each other up with our lives, families, and what we were doing with our art (We had art classes together in high school). I sent him current pictures of myself and my family as well as my old graduation picture. He emailed me back that my new ones were almost indistinguishable from my graduation picture. Now I know he was being gracious but I also know it brought a smile to my face and brightened my day. I could feel God's hand all over it. The next day my students were discussing birthdays and they asked when mine was. I told them mine was the up coming Sunday (What a joy I get to celebrate it this year on the Lord's Day). Then a student asked how old I was going to be. A boy said, "You never ask a woman that!" LOL Well I tell you the way I had been feeling I would have let it drop at that, but a joy came into my heart at that moment and so I said guess. They started at 35 (I know they started low so they would not insult me) and I kept saying higher. Now I don't know if God was clouding there eyes LOL or if they are just really bad at guessing age LOL, but I actually had to pull out my driver's license because several of my students would not believe I was about to turn 50. They said I look and act way too young to be that old. Well children or not God gave me such a shot of adrenaline joy I could not believe how he was answering my prayers. He has done so much to point out the blessings and gifts he has given me with time these past 2 weeks. All I can say is, "PRAISE THE LORD FOR YOU FILL MY HEART WHEN EVER I AM IN NEED." So yes growing old is a fact of life we can't avoid and can only try to cheat for so long. However God has shown me so much love, I can now say that I welcome 50 with open arms and praise. Oh, I purposefully left the best for last. Right after I said the original prayer God spoke to me and told me something that filled my heart with such joy that it brought me to tears then as it does now. Before I prayed I kept thinking of when I was around 20 years old. After I prayed God said to me, "Would you really want to go back to being 20 again? You did not have your daughter I gave you. You did not have your son I gave you. Your gifts and wisdom were not what they are now. Do you really want to be 20 again? You weren’t saved when you were 20. Would you really want to be there without me again? I shouted, "NO! NO! GOD NO!" At that point I felt such peace, faith, and joy in my heart. God I don't know what is in my future, how much time I have, or where you will take me. As long as I have you God my time is precious and good. Come on 50, I can't wait to see what God has in store for me!

Beauty Is Skin Deep

Firm and Fit when I was twenty
Lord I was really hot way back then
The trials that age would bring to me
My youthful body never to be seen again

It is ten times harder to lose a pound
But a whole lot easier to put them on
Days of not worrying what you eat
Well those days are all long gone

Oh other things have made their mark
With two pregnancies there was a price
My Mommy breasts no longer perky ones
Still I’d do it again and never think twice

Trying to find more time to exercise now
Since my metabolism keeps running slow
What’s my good and bad cholesterol doing
Lord there is so much more now to know

My middle aged spread tries to spread more
What ever happened to my buns of steel
Celery sticks, V-8, and diet shakes
What I would give for dessert with my meal

It use to seem whatever I wanted to eat
Was either fattening or not good for me
So I changed my diet and eat healthy now
Hoping my mirror will be nicer to me

Oh then there is that moment of truth
When you have to climb up on the scale
To see if all your efforts really paid off
Hoping now this time your diet won’t fail

I have learned it’s important to be healthy
But youthful looks are only skin deep
For no man or woman can control time
Not with special creams or beauty sleep

What’s more important is what’s inside
Faithful beauty is the true answer for me
God gives faithful men rose colored glasses
And someday one will look lovingly at me

FaithfulToOne © 2007

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