NEVER ALONE FaithfulToOne © 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Dream- Which Way Are You Facing Today?

One night I was reading the Bible before I went to bed and read Psalm 138:7, "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me. " That night when I went to bed I had a dream.

I dreamt that I was walking on a path. As I walked I noticed that only one set of footsteps were on the path that was behind me now. Long dark shadows were clinging tightly to my heels, casting fearful shapes that distorted everything they covered. The things in my life that lined the path I was walking became very distracting and kept me from feeling the peace I thought should be around me. I was like a child waking up to a dark bedroom in the middle of the night. Disoriented, I was fearful and scared because I saw everything through a dark veil. Anxious to be free of this nightmare, I closed my eyes hoping it was all a bad dream, only to open them again to the silent sights and sounds of loneliness. I felt hopeless and overcome by my restless feelings of abandonment. Then, just like a small child I cried out in prayer to my Heavenly Father. I had one plea and that was for Him to rescue me with His Heavenly light.

When I finish praying I heard God call to me like a loving and reassuring parent saying, "I am right here with you my child." "Where are you God? I can not see you!", I responded with great urgency in my voice. "Turn around child", He said. When I turned around His glorious light bathed me with His love. My heart rejoiced as I again felt His comfort and strength. In joy I praised His Holy name. Then dropping to my knees, now humbled and fully aware of the power that surrounded me, I prayed for God's forgiveness. I realized that God had always been with me. The darkness and shadows that had scared me were cast because of His light that He had always been shining on me all along. It was dark because I had turned my back on His direction and wandered off the path He had for me into the shadows. There was only one set of footprints on the path of trials that I was on, but I was never alone. He was there shining His light on the path that was His will for me, waiting for me to turn around and correct my way. Then I remembered that
James 4:8 says, "Draw nearer to God and He will draw nearer to you."

God's light is always there ahead of us to light our way with His love, wisdom, mercy, forgiveness, courage, and strength. If we have faith and focus on His light trusting in Him, we have nothing to fear. The shadows that are behind us can not hurt us or blind us with darkness to the direction we should be heading to honor and glorify God.

I prayed, " Father please forgive me for ever doubting you. It was not you, it was me that had made the errors in our relationship. When I lost my focus on you I got distracted, turned around, and lost. All I could see was my past and what you had already put behind me. I could only see my life scared through the veil of darkness. Thank you for hearing my fearful prayers. You are the God as written in Psalm 68:19 who daily bears my burdens, and I praise you. You called out to me when I was scared and lost with such loving comfort, turning me back to you. Father, I pray that you now keep me focused forward so that your light shines brightly on me always. Guide my steps, so that the darkness can no longer scare me for my life is now yours. I now focus on you with great joy, for the blessings and the trials I face. I know that you are always there for me when I am in need. I wish to seek Your will and blessings for my life so that my life reflects Your light in a way that honors and glorifies You always. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.

I woke up from the dream with such a peace and joy in my heart, as if a great weight had been lifted off of me. I also quickly grabbed pencil and paper so that I could share this with others. My question to you is, "Which way are you facing today?"

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Kind Of Pack Rat Are You?

Well my feet ache and my head is stopped up from dust. I have been putting in many extra hours at school over the last week, doing some "Spring Cleaning" for special visitors we are having to the school. It is amazing how fast the clutter can pile up in an art room if you don't stay on top of it. There had been a lot of clutter before I started at the school because they had not had an art program for several years and everything for the art room had been tossed in boxes and put in storage. I had the great honor LOL of unpacking it all, going through the stuff and cleaning out the dusty storerooms. This is actually my first step for cleaning, because I intend to spend several days of my Spring break this year doing some "Faithful Spring Cleaning" at home too. I know I need to do cleaning before I can sell my house so I can find a place to live where I don't have so much yard to take care of. I also know God is making me deal with some issues I need to face.

Now I must admit when it comes to Spring Cleaning I have a genetic flaw which is one thing God is really dealing with in my life right now. My genetic flaw is that I am a pack rat. My mother was a terrible pack rat and my dad still is. This is partly one of those sins of your parents things, but I do accept responsibility for my own pack ratting behavior. With me being the creative artist type, it is like I have 2 strikes against me that I am battling! But my daughter has been helping me to face this head on and deal with it. I am pleased that she wants to help us get free from the chains I have created in my life.

The first thing I must say is that for the most part, Americans on the whole are all a bit like pack rats. Most Americans have too much "Stuff". The fact that so many Americans are in such credit card and other debt situations proves that we have a Needs vs Wants problem. Advertising doesn't help much either. They can make every want sound like we are going to die if we don't get it. I hear children now days often saying, "I need this and I need that." when all their requests are wants, one after the other. How many parents give in and are just as guilty too?

Paul wrote in Philippians 4:12-13, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." How many people have the faithful internal peace that Paul writes about? How many people can say that they can be content like this regardless of their circumstances? I know that when you are use to living comfortably with all your needs met and most of your wants met too, when something drastic happens and you have to live not knowing if your needs are going to be met, it can be very stressful, scary, and even devastating. It changes you and your whole perspective towards "stuff". You could care less if you have an IPOD or not, when you don't know if you are going to be able to pay your mortgage this month, If you loose your home and have to live out of your car, or if you don't know if you're going to have to go to bed hungry tonight. For many people in the world hunger is a real life threatening issue. Yet in America, statistics on obesity show many of us are pack ratting food in our bodies. You know the super size this and the extra helping of that. That is really what overeating is.

Another form of pack ratting comes from procrastination. Stuff piles up and we can give all sorts of excuses about being tired or that you have so much to do, but the fact is that this is a form of rebellion. A lot of times these pack ratting people are called lazy or as the Bible says sluggard. Proverbs 13:4 says, "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." Proverbs 21:25 says, "The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work." Procrastination is a very deceptive thing. The person may not be a lazy person. He or she may be a very busy person. People will make time and have energy for the things that they value. If it is not high on their list or important enough to them, it gets shoved aside for the things that are high on our lists. If we don't want to do it, we put it off until the consequences become more painful or costly than what we have been putting off. Proverbs 6:9 says, "How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?"

What we often don't realize until it is too late, is that procrastination creates chains that bind us up, drag us down, and weaken our faith. We could meet the task head on, face it, do it, and then it is done. Yes, it may be unpleasant or painful, but the longer we wait the more links in the heavy chain are added. Heavier and heavier it hangs around us and drags us down. Inaction is one of Satan's greatest tools, because it can start off very subtly.

This can be applied to so many areas of your life. It might be the clutter in your house, garage, etc. This is one of my guilty areas, because I put things off because of the pain I was going through during my separation and divorce. When you continue to put off dealing with clutter it does not stop and wait on you, it will just keep growing and growing. When you finally look at it, just the thought of dealing with it is overwhelming. In this case the best plan of action is to set small goals you can meet. If you break one link of the chain at a time it will come off. The first link is always the hardest, but by setting small goals that you can realistically meet, you can feel good with what you accomplish. It just takes time, but then you are free.

Church groups could be a real help to these people too. Often they won't ask for help because they are embarrassed and then they can become very withdrawn depressed people. People in the old days had the right idea when they would join together to have a "Barn Raising". Church groups could make lists of things people in the group want to get done but haven't gotten done yet. It may be painting a room, cleaning out a storage area, cutting down a tree, etc. Then schedule to do it together and help each other out. When you get done with that list you can expand and help others too. You not only get your work done (with fun and fellowship), but you are then a service to others too.

Another area that pack ratting hits hard with procrastination is with emotions. You get in an argument and hurt the other person's feelings. You would rather procrastinate and pack rat those emotions then deal with them. In the mean time the other person is hurting because you refuse to apologize and ask for forgiveness. You fester from the issues you won't deal with. This can drag you down for days, months, years, or even a lifetime. When some one hurts us we can pack rat our hurt and pain too, because it is too painful to deal with. The longer we pack rat our emotions and live in the past, the higher the wall is that we build around us, the more links in the heavy chain we add, and the more withdrawn for our true emotions we become.

Sometimes stuff and emotions intertwine to make matters worse. Instead of defining ourselves the way God would have us do through faith, we start to define ourselves by our stuff. Our job, what kind of car we drive, what kind of house we live in, what kind of clothes we wear, what country club we belong to, etc. all become the things we value ourselves with and define ourselves with. The problem is there is never enough. We have to have more and more, we have to keep up with the neighbors, we have to work more to get more stuff, etc. We pack rat more and more stuff because it makes us temporarily feel good about ourselves. We then see the next thing we want and justify why we think we need it. The more we get the more we have to have, the more debit we are willing to put ourselves it to get it, and in the end we still feel an emptiness. When we pack rat material things our faith pays the price.

We begin to slip into the habit of spending our time and efforts in the "Material World" instead of in the "Godly World". We spend time pleasing ourselves instead of pleasing God. We spend time in front of the TV or on the computer instead of reading our Bible, praying, and following God's will for our lives. Beware, if you are right now ignoring God's repeated calling for you to do something. He will get your attention one way or another. If you are too wrapped up with your stuff, and you procrastinate when God calls, because you really don't want to do it, BEWARE." He may take it all away to get your attention and to lovingly redirect you back to Him and His will for your life. If we let so much build up in our lives that we are overwhelmed and stressed out, we can't be good servants for God. When I was trying to deal with severe financial problems during my divorce, I noticed that I kept growing closer to God. As I trusted in Him more and more, He revealed to me things He wanted to deal with in me. He wanted to make me stronger in my faith. As I have been dealing with them, My faith continues to grow.

Now, I am trying to stay in my new purging state of mind, because I know God is working in my life on this matter. When God is working on something in our lives we need to trust Him and turn it over to Him. Keep your communication lines open to Him with prayer. If it is a real issue for you it probably won't all happen over night, but God will help you get through it. You will have to do your part. You will need to do some time management, goal setting, set up a plan of action, and then stick to it. When Satan starts telling you it can't be done you need to stop being a pack rat and turn it over to Him, God will help us face the mountains, tear down the walls, break the chains, or what ever else needs to be done so that we can all be free in faith with His love, to honor and glorify Him.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Anger Is The Wind That Blows Out The Light Of Reason

Anger is the wind that blows out the light of reason. Like love, anger is one of our strongest emotions. There are two different types of anger. The first is a righteous anger that we see examples of in the Bible when judgment and justice were passed against sinful people. It says in Numbers 14:18 “The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.” I often wondered about this verse until I became a parent. Your children will not only learn your good habits and teaching, they will learn all your bad habits and weak character traits too if you are not careful. You condemn your children to the sins you have if you do not do something about them. If parents smoke there is a lot higher percentage of chance that the children will smoke too, than if they grow up in a smokeless home. If parents or other family members swear, use drugs, get involved with pornography, are abusive, have anger issues, etc. there is more of a chance that the children will follow in the parents footsteps than if they did not grow up around these things. These families will continue to suffer until someone has the faith and strength enough to break the chain and break free of the sins that continues to punish the family.

Anger is one of those emotions we can’t avoid but it is up to us to control. Anger is good when it gives us a call to action against injustice, but if we let it control us then it take on a very destructive and sinful form. This is the second type of anger: Anger that is a destructive parasite.

The Bible tells us that we should not let our anger get the better of us when we see the injustice and evil succeed around us. Instead it tells us to trust in the Lord and let Him take care of it.
In Psalm 37:7-9 it says, “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.” I hold tightly to this verse when people wrong me or others and they seem to get away from it. I know that God has so much love for us and only wants the best for us, but I also know that I would never want to make Him angry with me. Psalm 86:15 says, “But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” He is slow to anger but He does not hold back forever. He will deal with the sinful that do not repent and turn from their wicked ways. Isaiah 13:13 says, “Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the LORD Almighty, in the day of his burning anger.”

The one thing I have discovered is that the second type of anger is a parasite that preys on its host. It is an emotion that can’t exist by itself. Matter of fact, it often masks or hides other emotions. You might see someone getting angry because they are jealous. Jealousy is the cause and anger is the effect. Someone can get angry at their spouse. Why? There are several reasons: They are selfish and did not get things their own way, because their love was hurt from betrayal or broken trust, because hurt feelings were never dealt with, etc. Anger is a reaction to things that happen to us. Uncontrolled anger is a parasite that continues to feed off its host, getting stronger and stronger building grudges and making us bitter unless it is discovered and removed.

We should strive to be like our Lord as it says in Psalm 145:8, “The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” It is impossible to expect anyone never to get angry, it is not impossible to learn how to control it so that it does not control you. There are all too many ways that we see anger free to run in this world today: Road rage, divorce, domestic violence, swearing, and the “I’ll screw them before they can screw me attitude”.

The Bible addresses this type of anger several times. James 1:19-21 says, “dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” Ephesians 4:25- 27 says, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. ‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” When we allow our anger to fester and feed on us we are giving Satan a weakness to exploit and prey on. If we confront our anger and deal with it then it can not control us. Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This tell us that not only do we need to be responsible for controlling our own anger but that we should also help others control their anger too by not inciting more. When someone is showing the signs of loosing control your calm demeanor can go a long way to keeping the hot water from hitting the boiling point. We are also warned in Proverbs that we should not be friends with those that have anger management problems. Proverbs 22:24-25 says, “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.” Lynch mobs and crowd violence are good examples of this. A few in anger stir up trouble until emotions are high and things get out of control.

Here are some suggestions to deal with your anger:

1. Take care of problems when they are small. Don’t allow them to fester and get the better of you. Don’t allow others to push your buttons. When you do that you loose control and give it to them.

2. If you are really angry about something don’t try to handle it in that frame of mind. Walk away and give yourself time to calm down first. Remember hurtful words said in anger can never be taken back.

3. Make sure you understand why you are angry. Is your anger masking another problem that is not being dealt with? If you have a real anger problems these issues that you mask with anger may go all the way back to your childhood. You may need to seek counseling to find out what childhood issues prevent you from expressing you anger appropriately. These might include fears, abuse, denial, etc.

4. You need to forgive and move on with your life. One of the best ways to relieve ourselves from stress and anger is to forgive someone. When you do not forgive someone you are hurting yourself more than you could ever hurt the other person. If you are dealing with anger issues it may be because you are still harboring your inability to show forgiveness and only feel bitterness against someone. If you are doing this you maybe punishing others with your anger because you refuse to forgive someone that has made you bitter and move on. If you are feeling guilty about something the person you may need to forgive is yourself. Ephesians 4:31-32 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” You need to take these issues to God in prayer. In prayer turn your bitterness and pain over to Him to heal and ask Him for the courage to forgive the person or people that wronged you. When you have done that then leave it with Him and focus on today and your future. Anger lives strong in our hearts when it has good hooks planted in the past. Remove the hooks and it has no hold.

5. Find appropriate ways to express your anger and ways to keep it from boiling over. For me prayer is the only sure fire answer. Listening to relaxing music to keep you calm on your drive home, to take your mind off traffic, might be an answer if you tend to get road rage. Keep a journal or write a letter. Sometimes it is just a need to vent our frustrations or express our hurt and pain that can help us control our anger. We may never even need to give the letter to the other person, but it can sure feel good getting it out. Exercise is also a great way to deal with anger. When we exercise our body releases endorphins which makes us feel better and will help reduce our stress levels too. Things like alcohol, drugs, overeating, etc. are all things that are escape tools that do not solve the problem they only mask it further and make it worse. Proverbs 29:11 says, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”

Anger is a parasite that will continue to feed off of us until it show on us physically, mentally, and emotionally. This can show physically as: high blood pressure, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, trembling, constipation, sleep problems, contracted pupils, impotence, and more. Mentally and emotionally it can show itself as: Criticism, irritation, hated, silence, passive aggressive or aggressive behavior, resentment, bitterness, envy, jealousy, vengeful, insecurity, poor self-esteem, being judgmental of others, condemning, anxiety, apathy, depression, vindictiveness, malaise, and more.
Let us live by love not anger. If you have anger issues you are dealing with you can’t be focused on God’s will for your life. If you are dealing with anger issues give them over to God. Strive to live as the Lord is described in Psalm 145:8 “The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” If you have wronged someone with your anger, ask them and God to forgive you. Jeremiah 10:23-24 says, “I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Correct me, LORD, but only with justice— not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing." God will show His love and mercy if we repent and ask for forgiveness. When He forgives us that is it. We are forgiven and we need to put it behind us and focus on what will honor and glorify Him. Nahum 1:3 says, "The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet." Why should you harbor your anger and bitterness when God can and will deal with your issues so much better. Forgive the person, free yourself from your parasite, and move on with your life in a way that honors and glorifies God. Let God deal with the guilty as the Bible tells us He will do.

Anger and forgiveness are for you to control. No one can do it for you. That does not mean you don’t have help. God will give you the strength to deal with it if you let Him. Pray and He will help you.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Love, Love, Love!

I love listening to music. Maybe it’s because to me, music is poetry with a sound that reaches your heart and soul in a way nothing else can. For the most part I listen to contemporary Christian music. I always have His Radio on in my car to and from work. It is a great way to pull my focus to where it should be in the morning and it helps me leave work behind by refocusing my attention on God when I leave work. It has been so amazing and such a blessing how God sometimes picks just the right song I need to hear, for something I am dealing with at the time. I think of it this way… Sometimes I listen to CD’s to the music that is my choice and when I listen to the radio I often pray that God choose the music He thinks I need to hear. So I let God pick out my music too. Now you may jest but before you are too critical of what I just said you might want to try it. I can’t count the number of times He has blessed me with selections I truly believe came from Him.

I do listen to other music too. There is some wonderful music out there in other styles. I have a real weakness for the blues and jazz when I am working on my art work and there are times when my heart just wants to hear some love songs. They can be the classics or more current hits. There is just something about a love song (I am sure this is probably more of a female thing. Men let me know if I am wrong about this.) that can touch my heart the way no other music can. I heard this love song by Monica the other day and it made me stop to think about how strong the emotion of love is.

For You I Will

By Monica

When you're feeling lost in the night,
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough,
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better,
I'll be there to protect you,
See you through,
I'll be there and there is nothing
I won't do.

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you,
For you I will.

I will shield your heart from the rain
I will let no harm come your way
Oh these arms will be your shelter
No these arms won't let you down,
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress, tall and strong
I'll keep you safe,
I'll stand beside you, right or wrong

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon (yeah, yeah)
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need (I will be..)
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you
For you I will

For you I will, lay my life on the line
For you I will fight, oooooh
For you I will die
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my world
I'll give it all
Put your faith in me (put you're faith in me)
And I'll do anything

I will cross the ocean for you

(I will cross the ocean for you)
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you (Promise you)
For you I will, I will, I will, I will,

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need, (Anything you need)
I will be the sun in your sky (yeah, yeah)
I will let you wait for all times
Promise you (I promise you)
For you I will (Ooooh)
I promise you
For you I will

Have you ever stopped to think how many love songs have been written? How many you’ve done me wrong songs or my heart is broken songs have been written? Oh please don’t include the in lust songs. So many people confuse being in lust with being in love these days.

Love is the strongest emotion we have. Love can make our lives and it can destroy them too when it is betrayed or not returned. We think how tragic when some one loves another the way this song illustrates it and the love is not returned. Oh but how beautiful it is when both feel this kind of love.

Now look at this song again and imagine Jesus singing it to you. This is how our loving Savior feels for us. He is always there for us when we are in need of Him. He wants us to come to Him when we can’t handle things. He has already endured the pain and suffering on the cross to give His life for us. He can move mountains for us if it is God’s will that they be moved. The only part of the song that is not true is the part where it says, “I’ll do anything for you”. The one thing Jesus would not do is sin. Satan tempted Jesus but He would not be moved. He is our hero and our greatest strength. What He offers us is salvation and that is greater than anything of this world he could give us.

The Bible speaks many times of love. According to the website,
The word love appears in the King James version of the Bible 310 times, New American Standard Version - 1995 ed. 348 times, New International Version 551 times, and New Revised Standard Version 538 times.

1 John 4:16 says, “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.” When we love God, God’s love lives in us and shines out from us for all to see. The Bible even tells us that the most important thing is our love for God. You can find this in Mark 12:28-30, “One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, ‘Of all the commandments, which is the most important?’ ‘The most important one,’ answered Jesus, is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'"

God also expects us to share His love with others. 1 John 4:19-21 says, “We love because he first loved us. Those who say, ‘I love God,’ and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.”

The Bible also gives us a guide to judge what true love is. Paul wrote in

1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails…And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Here are two websites you can go to for great love songs and lyrics and . Check them out. Now ask yourself, “Does my love for God come first in my life, above and beyond all else? When I listen to love songs (not lust songs) do I feel that way about God? Am I willing to give up my life and be born again in faith as Jesus gave up His life for us so that we might have eternal life?

God wants us to feel love for Him the way that He feels love for us. He also wants us to reach out to others in love so that they may seek His love too. Before we seek to find love with another person we should first seek love from our Heavenly Father. His love is the only love that is perfect and will not let us down. Once we are immersed in His love, we will then have a model to follow and judge others with to see where they are in their faith. Are they "Real Men" and "Real Women" of faith that know what true love is? Do not get so obsessed and wrapped up in finding a partner to love that you miss out on feeling all the love around you that is offered to you. Build on your love with God, build on your love with your family, build on your love with your friends, build on your love with fellow Christians, build on your love with strangers by reaching out to them, and build on your love by being a servant to those in need.

True love is not that complicated because true love is an unselfish love that shows how much they value that love 24/7. It can be found in very simple things. One of the simplest love songs written still touches my heart so deeply. It says what love is in only six lines. Now you might interpret it (and it may have been written) as wanting to make love, but I have always seen this song in the purest form. Read it in that frame of mind and you can see how we can feel about God when we are saved. You can then also see how we can feel when we have true love in our hearts.

Colour My World

By James Pankow
Sung By Chicago

As time goes on, I realize
Just what you mean to me.
And now, now that you're near,
Promise your love that I've waited to share
And dreams of our moments together.
Color my world with hopes of loving you.

There is one other old song (Now I am dating myself. LOL) that I really like and want to share with you. The song again is a simple on that is done almost completely in similes (making comparisons to things using the word like or as). Read the lyrics to this song and then I have a challenge for you. If you were to write a song about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit what similes would you use? If you come up with any good poems or lists of similes, please post them in the comments.

Fine As Fine Can Be

By Gordon Lightfoot

You're as soft as the rose
You're as sweet as the honey
You're as warm as the bright morning sun
You're as cool as the breeze

on the last days of April
You're as fine as fine can be

You're like time is to space
You're like faith is to trustin'
You're like blue is to feelin' unkind
You're like joy is for love,
You're like dreams are for chasin'
You're as fine as fine can be

And when I am gone

my thoughts are all with you
You're my little angel you see
You're as bright as the moon
You're as light as a feather
You're as fine as fine can be

Like the rain is for the crops
You're like food for my thoughts
You're like true is for knowin' what's not
You're like leaves are for trees
You're like bees are for buzzin'
You're as fine as fine can be

You're as bright as the moon
You're as light as a feather
You're as fine as fine can be

Please remember to select the link below for More Footsteps In The Valley, to find the prayer that goes with this message. Take care and God bless.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates. You Never Know What You're Gonna Get.

Well it is all the way you look at it I guess. I remember when the movie Forrest Gump came out in 1994 and Tom Hanks spoke Forrest’s now famous quote, "My mamma always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.’” Then we got a far more cynical view in 1996 when the Cigarette Smoking Man on the TV series The X Files said, “Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while there's a Peanut Butter Cup or an English Toffee. But they're gone too fast and the taste is... fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts. And if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you got left is an empty box... filled with useless brown paper wrappers.”

So which way do you look at things? Are you like Forrest that takes life each day for what it is and tries to make the best of it, or are you like the Cigarette Smoking Man who prefers to see the worst of things and then has to make sure everyone knows about it too?

There are things in life that happen no matter how prepared or organized you are. Car accidents, the death of someone close to you, loss of a job, etc. are all things that can happen to us that we have no control of. What we do have control of at all times is how we choose to react to the things in life that happen to us.

First of all, there may be times we do not always understand why something happens to us, but we can lean on our faith during these times for strength and guidance. There have been several times in my life that I have gone through situations that were very low valleys in my life, however looking back on them I can see how events during that time either shaped my life and faith to make it stronger or how I was a key puzzle piece in the change of the course of events, that I know was part of God’s plan. I got a fortune cookie yesterday that said, “Courage does not come without fear or suffering.” As coaches often tell their athletes, “No pain… No gain!”

What it all really comes down to is whether or not we are living in the Spirit or not. It says in Galatians 5:16-18, “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.”

You can slide into a negative lifestyle because of things that have happened in your life and become like the cynical Cigarette Smoking Man with your sinful nature evident for all to see. When you don’t live in the Spirit you can carry a black cloud with you where ever you go, casting a shadow on everything you come into contact with. Galatians 5:19-21 warns, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

You must make the choice whether or not you will dedicate your life to Christ and focus on making your life one of good character and strong faith. When we dedicate our lives to God we are blessed by the fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-26 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” If we are willing to honor God’s will for our lives and work through the sanctification process, there are blessings and the fruits of the Spirit that we can look forward to.

Nehemiah 8:10 says, “…Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." When we keep our focus on God the things of the world that would drag us down begin to fade away. We can begin to see God’s hand and purpose even in some of the most difficult and hurtful times. We can stand strong and hold fast onto our faith, because we know that God has no limits to His love or His power.

Life really is like a box of chocolates. True, you might not know what you are getting, but often there are clues for you to follow. By experience we learn what kinds of flavors come in what shapes, colors, and sizes. There may even be a diagram or description if we take time to look for it. With experience as we grow in our faith we learn and understand more too. The Bible is our best description and diagram for our lives if we would take the time to study it.

We may not always like all the chocolates in the box but some people must like them or they would stop making them. We may not always see things the same way or have the same opinion as other good Christians, but that does not mean that we can’t work together to honor God’s will and glorify His name. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the reason for the “assorted chocolates” in your life are not for just you to eat, but they are there for you to reach out with the sweetness of life to share with others? What may mean so little to you, like the discarded chocolates you don’t care for in the box, might mean everything to another person if they are their favorite flavors. Oh, please don’t be one of those selfish and impatient people either, that goes through life poking holes in the bottoms of the chocolates, taking the one preferred piece and ruining the rest of them for others.

So what if you don’t like the chocolates. At least someone thought something of you to give them to you. Think of how many people won’t be remembered in any way. It is the thought that counts, just as it is how we choose to live and think by faith that will make the difference in the end. If you don’t like the chocolates rejoice that you can be a blessing and share them with someone else.

FaithfulToOne © 2007

Don't forget to find the link below for More Footsteps In The Valley. You will find the prayer that goes with this message there, along with other interesting links and information. Take care and God Bless.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lord Give Me Patience and I Need It Right Now!

Psalm 27:14
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

The verse, no actually the whole chapter is one more than any other that I hold fast to because is does a lot to sustain me through rough or troubling time when I am walking in the valley. This one verse however, I have to admit is the part I have the most trouble with sometimes. You got it, the patience part. There are times when I pray, that I do get an answer right away, just as I wanted things to go. There are times when I pray, that I do get an answer right away, but it is not the answer I expected. At least I have my answer. Then there are times when I pray, that I don’t get an answer right away or I am told to wait for my answer. That is what Psalm 27:14 is telling us to do. It is not telling us to expect the worst, give up, make assumptions, or sit and worry. It is telling us to trust God for his reasons and wait on Him. Even if we are in the middle of a battle, if we truly trust God and have faith, then we should be at peace while we wait because we know God is in control. We are to be watchful of signs He gives us while we are waiting so that we stay on the path He has for us.

Now, I do have patience of some things. You have to have patience to be a good teacher. But, I also admit there are things I get very impatient for. My friends and family know if you want to drive me crazy just tell me you have a surprise for me. It will drive me crazy trying to figure it out. The unknown that I have no control over makes me very impatient. Where can impatience strike? It may be your job, family relationships, finances, etc. that needle at you. Another area a lot of people lose patience over is in the heart department. Often singles are so impatient to find Mr. Right or Miss Right that they don’t ask God or wait on God’s directions.

Stop, think, and pray. There usually are four reasons I can give you that God could be telling you to wait. The first reason is that He is still working to put into place key pieces of the puzzle for the situation you are in. You are praying for a new job and God intends to give it to you, but He is putting things into place right now and it is not ready yet.

Second, you are not where you need to be in your situation or in your faith and God needs to work on you and strengthen you first, so that you can handle what you must face in the future. This is not necessarily a bad thing it can be a good thing too. People don’t run companies well without the proper training and experience. God knows us better than we know ourselves and we must trust Him in these judgments.

The third reason works in with the second reason. The reason you may have been asked to wait is to test your faith. God wants to see if you are ready for promotion or for the relationship you are praying for, so He tests you by asking you to wait. If you have a strong faith, you trust God and turn it all over to Him. You know that He will make the best judgment for you. If what you want means as much as you say it does, than you are willing to make the sacrifices to get it and it is well worth the wait for it.

The forth reason is often the most painful one. This reason is because we are wrong and God needs time to make us see this and redirect us. The more blind we are to our faults, the more off the path we wander, the more stubborn we are to listen to God, the harder it will be and the longer it will take to get back in His light and on the path again.Oh yeah, God can answer our prayers with WAIT, but will we listen? When He tells us to wait, this is not just His opinion this is his call for faith and obedience. We can heed his warning and obey or pay the consequences. When we are asked to wait we need to find time to be quiet, step back, catch our breath, be calm, stop, think, pray, and not make any knee jerk reactions.

God does not leave us out there hanging alone as we wait. If you read the rest of Psalm 27 you will see that He is there for us and will protect us too. In Psalm 27 David refers to The Lord as his light and his salvation, the stronghold of his life, his fortress, his protection against enemies, his best defense, his confidence, his refuge, his rock of strength, his teacher, his leader, the one that is always there for him even when no one else is, the one he seeks above all others, and the one that he praises and shouts with joy for during his troubled times. Why would he be praising the Lord and shouting with joy in the situation that he is in, where his life is obviously in danger?
He is praising the Lord and shouting with joy because he has faith in the Lord and trust that God has already gone ahead of us and by faith He will lead us safely down the path that follows His will, to a place of safety and blessing.

So why can things go so wrong sometimes? I can tell you that we fall prey to our temptations, weakness, rash impatient judgment, or stubbornness. We don’t accept God’s command or we think we can work our way around it, or even bargain with God on it. God does not change His mind when He asks for obedience, God does not make bargains in exchange for obedience, and we can not sneak things past God either.

When we do not accept God’s judgment we take things into our own hands and try to run ahead of Him. We run past His light into the darkness and then have to look back to Him for help. In the darkness we don’t have clear footing so we stumble and fall. Then we are in pain and look back crying for God’s help. The further we have gotten away from the light and the further we have strayed from His path, the longer it will take to get back in the light and the harder it will be to get back on the path. We may have also sacrificed the blessings that God had intended for us in the first place. It does not mean He has given up on us and that we will never be blessed again.

We are God’s children and He loves us. We may need to face correction, redirection, and teaching, but He will never give up on us or leave us. Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’" We need to free our lives of anything that we put above God and be content in the path God has planned for us. When we can do this we can be at peace even during the roughest times, because we have given control over to Him and no man or evil has power over God. When we are in the dark it is because we have moved away from Him, and not that He has left us.

So what do we do while we wait? Romans 5:1-5 tells us clearly, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” We can rejoice because we know that God has a plan for each of us and His plans for us are perfect and all we need. You should be encouraged by that.

His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts and His timing is not our timing. God will do things in His time and in His way. By faith we must trust and believe in Him at all times. Isaiah 55:8-9 says, ‘“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” When you find yourself impatient you need to find a quiet place to refocus and pray. God tells us that if we are obedient, trust him, and wait on Him, He will give us the courage we need and strengthen our hearts. He will also give us the peace and contentment that will sustain us as we wait. We can focus then on what must be done and on serving others instead of being chained down to our worries and anxieties. Praise the Lord!

Waiting can be nerve-wracking and the anxieties can overcome us with temptations to rush ahead and try to handle things ourselves if we do not hold strong to our faith. Lust can take over for love, greed can overtake common sense, stubbornness can make us blind or shortsighted, weakness can give in to addiction or obsession, and impatience can cause us to make wrong rash judgments. Hindsight may be 20/20 and we can often see where God has tried to warn us not once, but several times, and yet we still chose to rush ahead into the darkness. When God finally does get our attention and we finally do trust in Him, He will brings us back to Him. Then, how many of us will ask, “What took You so long God?” What we really need to do is face our faults when God asks in return, “What took YOU so long?”

Please do not rush into relationships or make other decisions that can and will affect the rest of your life without the proper direction. Pray and wait on the Lord for an answer. Seek His counsel and then follow it, no matter how difficult it may be. Trust in God. Don’t give God time limits either. If your wish is to be a good Christian then it requires obedience, patience, and direction. Your best direction will be found in the scriptures. Measure all your judgments with God’s Holy Word. Proverbs 1:8-10 says, “Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.” What this is telling us is that we can also seek Godly counsel from others that walk in faith, and then use their counsel to be a stronghold for us.

For instance, if a man or woman you are interested in can not honor your life by faith then you should not have any part of that relationship, because you will always be tempted to stray from the faithful path God has for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 says, “Test everything. Hold on to the good.”
How can you put God first in your life if you can not focus on His will for your life?
Psalm 37:23-24 says, “If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”

God is our loving Heavenly Father. He loves us and only wishes the best for us. Just like young children do not always understand the tough love parents must give their children, we will not always understand Gods command to wait. God wants you to ask Him for His help and guidance. He is your Heavenly Father and He will not withhold what is good and right for you. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Psalm 119:165 says, "Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” You must make the choice now whether you will walk in His light or stumble around blind in the darkness by rushing ahead.

If you are in the dark right now seek His light. You can not be in His light and also live in darkness. If you have sinned or made mistakes by rushing ahead of God, STOP! Turn back, pray, ask for direction, and pray for forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” God will not give up on us when we fail. We must also forgive ourselves and others too in order to move on. When we call for Him, He will always lead us back to Him.

Are you in the valley right now with something you are dealing with in your life? Don’t rush into a relationship or a decision with impatience. Wait on Him and stay in the light.

FaithfulToOne © 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

How Heavy Are Your Burdens?

How heavy are your burdens today? Do you feel impatient for God's answer to your prayers? Are your days spent in worry full of anxiety and stressed out, because you can see no end to the valley you are in right now? Maybe God has given you an answer to your prayers. Maybe you just don't want to deal with His answer. Has He given you the command, "Have courage and trust Me. Wait on Me. Hold strong to your faith and I will be there for you when you have patience now." If this is the case and you are seeking guidance check my blog tomorrow for my Sunday post titled, Lord Give Me Patience, and I Need It Right Now!

FaithfulToOne © 2007


I do not carry my heavy burdens alone
Though fragile and weak I feel strong
My gracious Lord be with me now
Give me courage not to stumble or fall

I am fully aware that it is your love
Coursing faithfully through my veins
Once a lost soul without you Lord
With no direction, courage, or strength

Terrified I would run and hide

My Lord when I am with you
Dark shadows do not scare me
Your grace lights my troubled path
A Heavenly light so pure and bright

Shadows that cast fear can’t survive

I praise you Lord
For your merciful peace
Contentment calms my heart
Allowing me to focus on you
Discouragement fades away

Lord walk with me
I feel protected close to you
I do not carry my burdens alone
With prayer your spirit
Fills me full

FaithfulToOne © 2005

2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Free to be me! It just cracks me up to see things like tie-dyed clothes, peace symbols, flower power cloth patterns, toe socks, etc. return to the fashion scene with young kids acting like these are all whole new things. Then there are some new fashions like the ripped blue jeans too that are currently popular. Oh I’m sorry let’s not forget one of my personal NOT favorites- Slouching pants. You know the ones that wear the waistline down at their knees with a shirt pulled out over them (Sometimes with their boxers showing). Oh, ladies I can’t say I care much for your thong straps showing either.

I remember when I was younger, back when mini skirts first came in style. Of course the big argument at home was, “How short was too short?” Well, I can remember my father’s statement on this, “The skirt or dress could be short enough to be interesting, but it better be long enough to completely cover the subject.” He said, “If you have to go out advertising it all the time, then it can’t be worth all that much.” Oh, there are definitely those fashion statements that we would for sure say, “No Way!” if they ever tried to bring them back again, like the men’s polyester pastel leisure suits of the “70’s”. I really want to know how those ever came into style in the first place.

All this so we can express personal freedom and style. What is so funny is that often we think we are expressing our own personal freedoms and styles (especially when we are teens driving our parents crazy with them), but the funny thing is that we are often just getting sucked into the fashion trends of the time, with others dictating what is cool and current for today so that they can profit by it. Those that are really free in expressing themselves are usually the ones that people make fun of because they don’t fit in with the rest of the “Cool Group” of popular kids.

Then there is the whole freedom of speech thing. This is a very important right that we have as Americans in this country. The fact that we are free to express our religious views without fear of being thrown in jail or worse (like in other parts of the world) is something we often take for granted. However, with that said, I sure wish people would use some common sense with this. Our news media never ceases to amaze me in their quest for headlines. Like the one night I was listening to the news about a kid that was arrested after he made pipe bombs. When ask how he learned how to do it, the reporter said that the boy had learned how to do it from a site on the Internet. OK that much is fine, but then the idiot (sorry but this is my opinion) news people go and tell people the exact Internet site where they can find the directions on how to build a pipe bomb can be found. Gee, let’s give more troubled and dangerous people information so they can build them too!

There are so many people that take our freedoms for granted and don’t understand that there are responsibilities and a cost that is paid for the freedoms that they have. It is the same for Christians too today. Christ paid the price on the cross so many years ago, so that we are free with our faith in Him. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 says, “But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” Having freedom with the Lord means we are free from the bonds of death. We are free to become all that God has planned for us to be.

The more we grow in faith the more we are free from the temptations of our own sinful nature and the life we use to have. The more we trust God the more we free ourselves from fear, worry, depression, and many other emotions that can weaken our walk with God or even destroy us if we let Satan prey on our weaknesses. This does not mean we are free to do anything we want and still call ourselves good Christians. Galatians 5:13-14 says, “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." This means it is up to us to maintain self control, through the control our faith now has when we trust in Him.

For non-Christians it may seem odd or nonsense when we say that when we give everything over to God with our faith then we are truly free. How can you be free when you give all control up? David wrote in Psalm 57:1-3, “Be gracious to me, Oh God, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by. I will cry to God Most High, to God who accomplishes all things for me. He will send from heaven to save me”. God does expect our trust and obedience but look what we get in return. If we have faith and turn it all over to Him then even in the darkest hours in “The Valley” times of our lives we can fell the freedom and peace that He gives us, when we know that He is in control and that He will take care of us.

I can remember an experience I had several years ago. I was teaching middle school art at the time. My students had painted a 6 panel mural that was chosen for national exhibition in Washington DC. Each panel was double sided and measured 4x8 feet. They were too heavy and big for me to move by myself. We were asked to exhibit the mural at our City Hall building for one week, before it was to be sent off to Washington DC. They had even planned a small reception after our City Hall meeting to honor the students’ achievement. Well, the afternoon came and I had to get the mural to City Hall and get it set up by 6:00 pm. My help fell through at the last minute so the only help I was able to get was loading it onto the truck at our school. When asked how I was going to get it unloaded and set up I told the person that asked, “Well, I prayed and turned it all over to God, because I have no solutions.” I remember seeing the expression on the person’s face more or less thinking I was crazy, as I drove off to City Hall. I did not want to disappoint my students and I had no solutions so, I trusted God and I continued to pray.

When I got to City Hall it was about 5:30 pm and it was like a ghost town. As I walked in the door all I saw was the elderly woman from our PTA that was setting up a table of refreshments for the reception. I asked her if she had seen anyone that could help, but she told me the place as far as she knew was empty since 5:00 pm. She asked me what I was going to do. I told her the same thing I told the other person. However, this time it met with a better response because the woman was a Christian with a very strong faith. She told me that she would trust in God too and that she would also pray for me as I set off to see if I could find anyone to help me. I thanked her and set off on my quest. As I walked down the hall where all I could hear was my echoing footsteps I continued to pray for God to help me find a man strong enough to help me unload and set up the mural. It was less than a minute after I finished praying that I heard some footsteps around the corner. As I hurried and turned the corner I could not believe my eyes. There walking towards me was a very big muscular man. When I asked him if he could possibly spare a few minutes to help me he gave me a huge smile. He said, “I can do better than that!” You see he was one of our city fireman that just arrived at City Hall for a meeting with our other firefighters. So not only did I get his help, but he went to the meeting room and rounded up 5 other big strong men to help too. I never touched a panel. They did it all for me. The PTA woman could not believe her eyes as I came back around the corner with the 6 men. I was smiling ear to ear and as I walked past her all I could say was, “Praise the Lord!” and she echoed my statement with a big smile of her own. God is so good. He heard my prayer and answered it with far more than what I had prayed for.

When we trust God and maintain self-control, we are protected from temptations and other things that would wear us down, prey on our weaknesses, and point out our failures. It is when we trust God and stay strong in our faith and self-control that God gives us peace and other blessings too. That faith and peace gives us true freedom. The Bible warns us that if we lose our self-control we can meet with disastrous results. There are so many ways that we can be tempted to lose our self control. When we lose self control we give up our freedom, because it is our weaknesses and vices that are then controlling us and not us controlling them. Swearing, losing our temper easily, spreading gossip, gambling, letting our quest for material things run our lives, addictions, lust, pornography, or other obsessive behaviors that do not honor God’s will for our lives rob our freedom and self control from us if we are not constantly on guard. The Bible also warns us in 1 Corinthians 8:9, “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.”

Developing self-control does not come from just wishing you had it. It is not just the action of doing something right, it is also the action of refusing to fall to the temptation to do something wrong. It takes strong faith and hard work. The frustrating thing is when we backslide to our sinful desires. It is not always easy to just walk away. But that is why we have the Holy Spirit to help us. When we pray and trust God by turning our cravings and temptations over to Him, He will bless us by allowing the Holy Spirit to move through us. When this happens, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to overcome our sinful desires and frees us from the chains that the sinful desires bind us up with. We build self control through our faith and then we are free to resist temptations in the future. Real freedom comes with real faith. Are you ready to turn it all over to God so that you can find true freedom too?


No ties to hold me
No Stings to bind
I need my freedom
My peace of mind
I will give you all
That I have to give
But I must control my life
To be able to live

No ties to hold me
No Stings to bind
I’ve found my freedom
My peace of mind
I will give you all
That I have to give
But my faith is with Him
And by Him I will live.

FaithfulToOne © 2007

1 Peter 2:16
Live as free men,
but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.

Remember: Use the "Footsteps In The Valley" link below to return to the top of the page. Use the "More Footsteps In The Valley" link below to take you to the second page of my blog. Check it out and see what I have added. I hope that this page and the new one that I have added inspires you and helps you grow with your walk in faith.

Monday, March 12, 2007

This Page Under Construction

I'm Back!

Sorry I have been gone for a few days. I have finally gotten the problems solved with my computer (Satan does not seem to like my new calling to blog). During that time I was getting it all straightened out, I started to think and pray. I have found more and more wonderful resources as I started setting up my blog. So now I am creating a second page or second blog to get it all in. The first blog "Footsteps In The Valley" will continue to contain my message for the day and poetry. It will also have tools and resources for you to help you with your walk in the valley. The second blog page "More Footsteps In The Valley" will post a daily prayer. I will have a guest book set up on this blog page for you to sign with your prayer concerns. This site will then also have additional tools and resources on it for your walk in faith. Each blog page will have link buttons like what you see above so that you can easily move from one page to the next. I pray that this will inspire, encourage, support, and direct you to a closer walk in faith. Give me a day or two to get this all connected and we will be once again on our journey through the valley. Thank you for visiting my blog and continuing to be my inspiration.

Your Friend By Faith,


Today's Prayer

Oh Gracious Lord, You have given me so many blessings. Thank you Lord for directing my to so many wonderful places on the Internet. You have given me food of the hungry and all those that thirst for information can come here for direction to quench their thirst. Father I pray that you continue to direct my path so that more seed of faith can be spread out around the world to bring others to you. This I pray in Jesus name, Amen

Thursday, March 8, 2007

God's Country

I was reading something my friend Brad wrote on his blog tonight about seeing deer in his back yard, and the impression of beauty it left on him. He wrote, “As I think of the lingering affect of the deer, I have to ask myself what about my footsteps that are left when I am gone. What lingering affect do I have? Boy did this give me a lot of food for thought.

I know what Brad means when it comes to deer and other things in nature. I feel so close to God when I am outside surrounded my nature. I once got into a joking argument with a kind man I had just met. I told him that I lived in God’s country, because of the wonderful clear lakes, the ocean near by, and the mountains a short drive away too. He laughed and said that he begged to differ with me. He asked if I had ever been to Colorado before. Now up to that point I had only seen pictures, but what I saw was beautiful. I always wanted to see Colorado.

Well, I finally got the chance and went out there for a visit. All it took was one look and I fell in love. Colorado stole my heart. The mountains had a beauty that words can’t express and that pictures do no justice. I was at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs early one morning and there were deer everywhere. We had to stop the pick up truck just so I could take some pictures of them. I got to go camping in the mountains with friends and had a wonderful time. On another visit I had an awesome day with my daughter, when we went horseback riding four hours in the mountains, I went on a cave tour, saw sites and loved seeing the sun set in the mountains every day. I always felt so completely at peace there. When I was there I never wanted to leave and come home. I know when I left there that I left part of me. I would love to get back out there, but right now with the path God has me on I don’t know if or when that will be. I do know that Colorado has given me wonderful memories that I will always love and cherish a lifetime.

I think God puts us into situations sometimes to use the people and circumstances so that He can teach us and strengthen us in faith. We can stand and look at the Grand Canyon with such wonder, look at a sunset and not just see the beauty but we feel it too. God created so many wonderful things including us. I have a feeling we would stand in such surprise, praise, and thanks if we could really see ourselves the way God see us, the way we really could be if we were 100% committed to our faith. Sometimes God has to bring special people into our lives, to help us see things though their eyes (through God’s eyes). He can use a special people, special places, a special time, or special circumstances to reach out to us through them.

God has done this so many times in my life. I have been at my lowest, when I have been struggling with something, when I felt lost, when I felt weak, and I felt so alone. God brings people into our lives or changes our surroundings to get our attention and redirected the way He wants us to go. I know not where my path will lead tomorrow. I know only that I will follow Him, trust Him, and try always to honor him.

It is like a good peace of furniture. We look at it and admire it. It is easy to see the value in it. Then something happens and it gets a big long scratch across the top of it. Has the table really changed so much? What percent of the table is really damaged compare to the rest of it? Yet all we notice is that scratch. It is only on the surface and not deep. We are so upset by the scratch but, has the table lost its function? I was so wrapped up in my scratches that I felt of little value. God made so many wonderful things in this world including us. We need to stop paying so much attention to the scratches in our lives and look at the rest. Don’t lose sight of what is all around you that He has blessed you with. Let God take care of the scratches. Trust Him to work you your life. He has given each of us special talents and blessings. Focus on using these to glorify Him. He will refinish you if you let Him, and you will be better than you were before.

The outdoor photographs on this blog were all taken the day of my Mother’s memorial after she passed away last summer. It was a beautiful day and God was definitely there with us. I looked at those pictures and the ones from Colorado and realized something. Yes there are beautiful things all around us. We need to cherish what we have while we have it because we never know what the next day will bring. If we listen to God and trust in Him he will bring us peace no matter where we are or what we are going through. He will reveal the blessings all around us if we trust Him enough to look through His eyes and honor his will for our life.

So now I can say yes, Colorado is God’s country, but so is where I am at right now, even if I have no one special in my life right now. I am in the valley right now, walking God’s path he has given me. Growing in my faith and walking with Him. As I am preparing for my next climb in faith, I know that whatever I need He will be there for me. This is God’s country too, because He is here with me. He sustains me, loves me, directs me, and gives me peace. As I walk the path God now has for me, my wish is to be like the beautiful deer. I wish to leave special lingering memories by the seeds of faith left on my path. May God be with you today and bring you peace.

God’s Country

Beautiful clear lakes
Majestic Bald Eagles
Soaring high in the sky
The sun’s golden warmth
Gently caressing my face

Majestic massive mountains
Framing His creations
With a beautiful array
A spectrum of colors
He painted for me to see

I know that God
Is with me…

This is
God's country

Walking along the beach
I listen to the crashing roar
Of the rolling ocean waves
A witness to just a sample
Of God's limitless powers

Warm sand caresses my toes
Like sand through an hour glass
The Creator’s hand evident
In every grain of sand
All part of the Master’s plan

I know that God
Is with me…

This is
God's country

Breathing boldly deeply
The sweet smell of fresh air
Feeling my heart beating
With the blessing of life
God’s gracious gift to me

I will awaken everyday
With praises to God
For all these blessings
And so much more
My cup of joy overflows

I know that God
Is with me…

This is
God's country

Praying to my Heavenly Father
For his strength and hope
He is there to comfort me
His wisdom is my guide
I will seek to glorify Him

Waiting for Heaven’s glory
To be in the presence
Of our Almighty God
Through Faith in Christ
Lord Jesus I trust in you

God is always
Here with me…

So this is
God's country

FaithfulToOne © 2005

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Lord Of The Dance

Have you ever gotten a tune in your head that came out of nowhere? You find yourself humming or singing it and it just won’t go away? Well that is what happened to me the other day. Now, let me state that I don’t remember hearing this song since I first learned it as a young girl, so it is not like I just heard it on the radio or sung it in church last Sunday. It has been ages (OK maybe not that long. That makes me sound too old. LOL) since I can remember hearing this song. Still there it was. It was driving me crazy by the end of the day. I remembered the tune and some of the words. I finally started to wonder if this was God’s doing. So, my next step as a teacher of course was a little bit of research on the Internet.

My search took me to The Strainer & Bell website at , because they hold the rights to the song I kept humming. What was the song? It is called The Lord of the Dance. I contacted the company and got permission to post it on my blog. If you get a moment it is worth the trip to their site to read the history of the song and what Sydney Carter wrote about the song.

The Lord of the Dance

Words and Music by Sydney Carter

I danced in the morning
When the world was begun,
And I danced in the moon
And the stars and the sun,
And I came down from heaven
And I danced on the earth,
At Bethlehem
I had my birth.

Dance, then, wherever you may be,
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he,
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be,
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said he

I danced for the scribe
And the Pharisee,
But they would not dance
And they wouldn't follow me.
I danced for the fishermen,
For James and John -
They came with me
And the Dance went on.


I danced on the Sabbath
And I cured the lame;
The holy people
Said it was a shame.
They whipped and they stripped
And they hung me on high,
And they left me there
On a Cross to die.


I danced on a Friday
When the sky turned black -
It's hard to dance
With the devil on your back.
They buried my body
And they thought I'd gone,
But I am the Dance,
And I still go on.


They cut me down
And I leapt up high;
I am the life
That'll never, never die;
I'll live in you
If you'll live in me -
I am the Lord
Of the Dance, said he.


Copyright 1963 Stainer & Bell Ltd. London, England

When I got done reading the words to the song I prayed for God to open my heart and mind so that He could communicate His message clearly to me, in a way that I could easily understand, so that I could follow His will. God will lead us and direct our feet, if we have faith and listen. We follow His will so that we may honor Him and glorify His name.

Well, when I got done praying a new thought came into my head and then it all made sense. I started thinking back to wonderful memory I had during a very terrible time in my life. This is the story.

My first marriage lasted almost 19 years. One of the things that my ex-husband and I did together and that I really enjoyed was dancing. Oh, how I loved to dance with him. There was such a special bond that was felt for us when we danced.

Right after my divorce when I was in a group at my church a man asked me out. I made it very clear I was not ready to date but if it was company and friendship he wanted that was fine. He thanked me for being honest and said that would be great. Then he asked me if I could dance. Simple question right? Wrong?

I told him yes and no. Puzzled he asked me to explain. I told him about my ex-husband and how we use to love to dance together. I told him my ex-husband was a good leader but that was for a good reason. I had a close intimacy with him when I danced. The reason it was so easy to follow his every move was that as we danced close together the inner thigh of my leg ever so lightly would touch his. I could feel his closeness, I could feel every time he was about to shift or change. Now the problem was that I was not about to have that intimacy with a friend or stranger. I did not want to lead a man on or give him any ideas that were not there. Well my friend smiled and told me no problem. You see, he had been a competition dancer for several years. Now, when I found this out I almost broke the date right then and there but I didn't because of a promise he made me. He told me he would have me dancing like Cinderella in no time that night. Ok, call me fairytale silly but I had to see this.

Well, he was right. He was a wonderful friend and he showed me such gracious kindness that night. He had me twirling and dancing in a way I had never thought possible. It was a wonderful and very special evening, but when I went home that night, I received some wonderful insight too.

So, what is the message to all of this? The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other. Having faith in God is like the dance. We must surrender ourselves to God, be willing to put our trust in Him, and be attentive to His direction. But there is one more thing that to me is the key to the puzzle. When I went home that night after my date I realized something. I danced better that night than I had ever danced before but I would have still traded all of that to have had one dance with my ex-husband still with the love and bond we had once had as husband and wife. The key that was missed that night was intimacy.

Now, please don't take this the wrong way. What I mean is when we danced as husband and wife it felt like magic on the dance floor, because of the special bond that we shared. I had no problem surrendering myself to his lead. I was more than willing to put my trust in him, and my mind and body were completely attentive to every move he made. I never had to wonder what was going on, what he was doing, or where we were going. I instinctively knew because of the intimate loving bond we had.

The same goes with our relationship with God. Do you have that intimate loving relationship with Him? A relationship built on love, faith, trust, prayer, and devotion? Do you want to just dance some fancy foot work out on the dance floor with God or do you want more? When God calls us to him He wants more. He is a wonderful, patient, and loving leader. He knows all the steps, but he wants more than that from us. He wants that special loving bond with you on the dance floor like the one I use to have with my ex-husband.

So the question I had to face with my faith was want kind of dancing did I want? Was I willing to open myself up and trust God enough to form that intimate bond? Oh, what a glorious day it was the first time I danced that way with God. I now dance with my God with an intimacy that is to be shared with no one but Him. Are you ready to dance this way with God too?

“Dance, then, wherever you may be,
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he,
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be,
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said he”

Dear God, thank you for all the love and patience you have shown me. I want that special loving bond with you always. Father lead me, guide me, direct my feet. Let me dance with praise for you, to honor and glorify you forever. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen

FaithfulToOne © 2007

Now There are two ways to walk in the valley

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Reflections Of My Fears

Reflections Of My Fears
If we constantly look back on the past feeling the pain and thinking about the things we fear, we can never focus to live today, or look forward to tomorrow. FaithToOne © 2006

Do You Hear The Call?

Do You Hear The Call?
Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, Here am I. Send me!”

The Path I Walk In The Valley

The Path I Walk In The Valley
Are you walking the path God has planned for you? Do not fear or become impatient when you can't see the end of the path. Trust in God as He lights the way for the steps you take today. He knows the way and the destination. FaithfulToOne © 2006

Phrase Search / Concordance
Words/Phrase To Search For
(e.g. Jesus faith love, or God of my salvation, or believ* ever*)

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. " Martin Luther King Jr. **************************************************************** "A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul. " Dwight Lyman Moody **************************************************************** "As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. " Emmanuel Teney ****************************************************************
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