NEVER ALONE FaithfulToOne © 2007

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Did You Know God Keeps A Scrapbook?

One of the latest craft trends that has really taken off in the last few years is scrap booking. It is no longer just a matter of sticking little corner holders in a photo album to hold the family pictures and saving newspaper clippings. Now people are creating wonderful works of art with their scrapbooks. Fancy papers, stickers, and a lot of other wonderful new extras are offered to frame our special photos and memories with. There are now whole sections at craft stores devoted to scrap booking and there are scrap booking parties where people go to buy materials or share time together as they work on their own scrapbooks.

A couple years ago at Thanksgiving time my older brother and his family came down from the Chicago area to visit. He is the only one that lives far away from the rest of the family, so it is a wonderful time when they are able to come. My sister-in-law is very much involved with her scrap booking hobby and asked if we could help her when she came to visit. My brother had a bunch of photos from our childhood and my sister-in-law wanted to make an album with them. She thought that we could help her by giving the times, places, people, and stories behind the photos so that she could record the information as she put the pages together. What I thought was going to be an activity that took just a couple of hours went on for hours and hours, turning into one of the most special Thanksgivings the family has ever had. We started out looking at pictures and ended up remembering, sharing, laughing, and teasing about the wonderful memories that went with the family photos we went through. We gave our own perspectives to the memories and events, as well as filling in the gaps for each other's memories. I can't remember when I've had so much fun with my brothers and my sister.

We all like to reminisce on special memories in our lives. Things we did, times shared with loved ones, activities with friends, and touching moments forever engraved into our hearts by something said to us. We laugh, we cry, and we smile as we look back at the wonderful times in our lives. Did you know that God keeps memories like this too? Did you know that He keeps a special scrap book with records of what the faithful say and what is on their hearts?

Malachi 3:16 tells us about a book of remembrance. It says, "Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name." God loves to see his faithful children sharing His word, witnessing to others, praising Him for the blessings in their lives, and meditating on His name. When we do this He is recording it in a special book, just as we do when we scrap book. He is looking for memories of the faithful.

Just as Jesus wanted His disciples to hold Him to be more important than anything else on earth, He expects the same of us. This is a weighty responsibility that can only be met with the purest commitment to Him. He must be the most important thing in our lives. We must love God above everything else, just as it tells us in Exodus 20:3 when it says, "You shall have no other gods before me." God is looking for those that are willing to give up all worldly possessions, forsake all worldly relationships, and obey Him above all others. He is not looking for memories from those that just give lip service to God and their faith. He is looking for memories from those that live by their faith, those He knows personally through prayer, those that seek His knowledge in the scriptures, those that reach out being servants to others honoring Him, and those that seek the lost to bring them to Him. In other words, God is seeking memories for his book of remembrance that honor and glorify Him. He is looking for those that have their faith written across their hearts.

In Malachi 3:16 it tells us that when we live by our faith and do the things that honor and glorify the Lord, He hears us and listens to us. When we live by our faith we have an open communication line with God. He listens to us, He hears us, He is able to be an active part of our lives, and He will bless us. What have you done today that God would want to put in His book of remembrance?


His Book Of Remembrance

This morning when I wake up Lord
I will sing out and praise Your name
For the salvation that has changed me
My life will never be the same

I will meditate on Your name
I will seek wisdom in Your word
Today let me spread Your seeds
To those Your name they've never heard

Let me live my life to honor You
In all the things I do and say
Forgive me for failing You falling short
Please never take Your loving mercy away

I pray that my gifts and talents
Glorify You when others look
And that they bring You pleasure
to be recorded in Your book


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