Are You Hiding In Your Ivory Tower?
I think a lot of times it is easier to approach someone by reaching through the computer. I know when I was first healing from my divorce I did not want to reach out to anyone because I did not want to take the chance of getting hurt again, yet I still wanted that human social contact. Communicating through the computer was my first chance to reach out again and I was amazed to see how many people were just like me in that respect. Some posted pictures and some didn't worrying if everyone would judge beauty only by what was skin deep. It was safe if you only contacted people that lived far away from you because then you never had to worry about meeting them or running into them. You could meet people and communicate with them on your terms. You could feel in control of the relationship.
There is a danger though with getting wrapped up in a Internet relationship. Actually there are several. First of all are you and the other people you visit with being truthful and up front? Even if you are being truthful, you have to beware because there are a lot of scammers and people that wear false masks for their own selfish reasons. Next, a lot of times people fall into cyber-love. I am not saying people can't find true love on the Internet, but usually if you are only reaching out from your Ivory Tower you are not ready for a real relationship again and this kind of love is not a real faithful true love that will stand the test of time and commitment. It is a love based on two needy people searching for a safe love. They only judge by what they read (and see sometimes) without being able to live the whole story. People write and respond with what they think the other one wants to hear whether they live it or not. Last, the Internet should never be a substitute for interaction with real people. We need to put our trust in God and he will heal us. He will give us direction to find faith, fellowship and friendship with real people that we can interact with in person. God does not want us to hide up in our Ivory Towers. That is Satan's call. If we are hiding in our Ivory Towers we are not able to follow God's will for our lives. We are not able to use our gifts to glorify Him. We are not able to reach out to those that are closest to us. We live in fear and lack the faith and courage to live lives to the fullest with our faith. This is a poem I wrote about my experience.
IM Safe
IM safe
Behind my cyber-walls
Fingertips Caressing the keys
With a familiar
Gentle touch
Fleeting thoughts
My small mouse
Guides me
Through cyber-time
Clicking cyber-space
To play love and seek
Where IM safe
Hopes and dreams
Flicker like the cursor
On my monitor
Camouflaging reality
Searching the intangible
On-line chats
Emoticon and Avatars
Puppet my moods
As I receive flirts
And messages from
Distant places
I can smile and LOL
Feeling close
Message sent
IM safe
FaithfulToOne © 2004
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