NEVER ALONE FaithfulToOne © 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Slip Sliding Away

Today I heard an old song by Simon And Garfunkel, titled Slip Sliding Away. The last verse of the song and the chorus really stood out as I listened,

Whoah God only knows, God makes his plan,
The information's unavailable to the mortal man
We're workin' our jobs, collect our pay
Believe we're gliding down the highway, when in fact we're slip sliding away

Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away

How many days are we just gliding through our lives. We just basically go through the motions without any real compassion or mission to our lives except for wanting to make it through the day or the week. Are you on fire for your faith or just going through the motions. If you are just going through the motions then you are slip sliding away in your faithful walk with God. We can't please God by just gliding and going through the motions. We can only please and honor God when we are actively pursuing God's will and plan for our lives. We must be on fire with our faith, actively using the gifts God gives each of us to use in order to Glorify Him and to bring others to Him.

I got a wonderful complement yesterday. It was a beautiful day outside and so I decided to take my dogs for a walk to the park and back. Now normally walking three dogs might be a trial, but mine are trained well to heal so it is a joy. When we got to the park there was a church picnic going on. As I walked up to a bench to rest for a minute before our return trip children approached. I told them that the dogs were friendly and that they could pet them. A couple parents followed behind to see the dogs too. I started to talk to one of the moms and after a few minutes she asked, "Are you a Christian?" When I told her that I was she said something so sweet to my ears. She said, "I knew it before I even asked you. There are some people when you meet them, that you just know they have to be a Christian." Wow what a wonderful complement. It is my faith's goal to live my life so that all will know me by my faith. How clearly does your faith show to others? Do you strive to live your life so that all will know you by your faith?

It is not enough to say that we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior. It is not enough that we read our Bible or go to church. God does not want us living our lives just gliding along. When we are not on fire for our faith, active in our faith, and living our lives to glorify God it is easy to fall between the cracks, giving in slowly but surely to the temptations of the world until we just start slip sliding away. Me must stay strong to when we go through the valleys in our lives. It is easy to start sliding in our faith as we grow weary of the tough times in our lives. Turn your burdens over to God and get a good grip as you are climbing. Yes the more we grow in faith the more there will be sin and temptations there in our path making that time slippery to climb. We can trust in God though to be there for us with a helping hand reaching out to help us through the rough times. How could you use your gifts to actively pursue God's plan for your life today?


Keep My Faith On Fire

Dear Lord guard my heart and mind
from temptations that would make me slide
Keep my eyes constant on the narrow path
So that You will always be my guide

Though trials make life a bumpy road
And things of the world tempt me to slide
I know Your gracious love never leaves me
It's with trust and faith in You my soul abides

Precious Lord set my weary faith on fire
Give me strength to keep the coals aglow
Let me use the gifts You've given me
So that today new seeds of faith I'll sow


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Finding Solutions To Our Sins

It always amazes me how foolish people can be. Oh, I count myself included. I woke up this morning with a headache. After I took a couple of allergy pills, let the dogs out, grabbed a little breakfast, and had my morning cup of coffee I sat to ponder my day. How I wished I could be like the character in the TV show Bewitched today. Then it would not matter if I had a headache, I could just wiggle my nose and I would take care of everything. I could wiggle my nose and my laundry would be done, my house would be clean, bills would be paid etc. How great that would be right? Well I tried it and it didn't work, not that I really expected it to. Yet, we all would like to find the quick fix and the easy answers to our problems wouldn't we? The problem with the quick answer is that usually the underlying problems would still be there and just get worse. If we don't take care of the problems and just look for quick solutions to the effects we are still left with the problems and they will just surface again and again. What it all comes down to is us making the hard choice to discipline ourselves if we want to solve them. The longer we live with the problems and in sin, the longer and harder it is to brake bad habits and achieve solutions to our problems.

If we are going to successfully deal with any problem we must first stop avoiding it or trying to find the simple painless solutions to solving it. A good example of this is the very GROWING problem America is having with being overweight and under fit. Again, I have to count myself included. Now for some of us there can be medical problems that are part of the root problem. This is true in my case. After I had my second child I had to have a hysterectomy. Since that time I have battled weight problems due to hormone problems. Saying that I will also tell you that I have not always done a good job at attacking the problem and staying in control of it. Things go well for awhile and then I get busy and backslide until I again have no choice but to face the problem. By current statistics I know that I am not alone. Now, I am not saying we all should look like the body builders or the twig looking models. Weight control should be looked at as health maintenance. What I am saying is that we would have far less medical problems if we would tackle our obese problems head on. We would not have them at all if we would tackle the problem while it is still a small problem. What is even sadder is to see the statistics of our youth that are facing major health problems because of early obesity.

Do we face our weight problems and tackle them head on smartly? Well some do but most aren't. We ignore the problem, look for miracle cures in a bottle of pills, try the latest diet fad, make short lived resolutions to change, talk a lot about it, and in some cases wait until the problem is so bad that we are willing to risk our lives to find a cure.

Still Gluttony is a sin that Christians often seem to try to ignore. We find it very common to hear sermons or messages given on the evils of smoking and drinking as sins, but gluttony seems to be one of those sins that offends people to talk about it, so few like to preach on it. It becomes one of our "tolerated" sins. The Bible makes it very clear however what God thinks of gluttony.
Proverbs 23:20-21 warns us, "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags." It also speaks of gluttony in Proverbs 28:7 when is says, "He who keeps the law is a discerning son, but a companion of gluttons disgraces his father." Proverbs 23:2 tells us, "put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony."

Gluttony is a sin just like any other sin and God hates sin. When it all comes down to basics, all sin revolves around the root problem of our ability to control ourselves and not give in to temptations. If we are unable to control our habits of what we eat, we are letting our eating control us. If we are not showing self-control here we are also probably allowing lack of control into other areas of our lives too. Just like those pounds that can creep up on us so easily if we do not have a good plan of defense against them, other sins in our lives can do the same thing too.

God is a gracious and loving God who blesses us by providing for us the things that we NEED on this earth. We need to honor God by not letting the sins of greed, temptation, and lack of self-control get the better of us.
2 Peter 1:3-9 tells us, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins."

How do we honor God by not letting the sins of greed, temptation, and lack of self-control get the better of us? The answer to tackling any problem must first start with God. A good way to start would be facing your sin head on as Psalm 51:1-4 says, "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge." It is though the strength God can give us by our faith and trust in Him that we can tackle our sins and develop the strength of self-control to resist the temptations that would have us backslide. It is not really self-control as much as it is faith-control. The more we turn control of our lives over to God the stronger our faith-control becomes.

We don't need to look for miracle cures or quick fixes. Our cure is through faith in God alone. We need to make sure that with any plan we are making to handle a problem we are having in our lives, that we include God in our solution if we want to guarantee success. Remember just as it is easy to let our weight slide on the scale without being active and proactive in controlling it with the proper ways of eating and good old fashioned exercise, it is also just as easy to let our faith slide if we to not take active and proactive steps to include it in our lives too. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." Strive to honor God mentally, physically, emotionally, and faithfully in all you say and do. It is through faith-control that we grow closer to God.

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If you have prayer concerns you can also use the link above to post them in the guest book at this site.

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I keep looking for solutions
I know the quick fix I'll never find
It is only through faith-control
I'll find my peace of mind

Some days it's one step forward
Other days it's two steps back
Forgive me when I backslide
And the faith that I still lack

When temptations overwhelm me
And in strength I grow weak
Lord let me feel your presence
It's courage though You that I seek

God I seek your guidance for my sin
For answers I'll search Heaven above
I know my solution will be found
Surrounded in God's gracious love


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What Are You Afraid Of?

It is amazing how God can show us things so clearly when we least expect it. This last couple of weeks has been amazing to me. Fears first and then computer problems have done there best to keep me off line on this blog, but I am up and running again. A smarter and more blessed person for the ordeals I have been through and for the miracles God has blessed me with.

The first trial I had came with tax time. As tax time kept creeping up my world got more and more stressed. Although I did keep up with my devotionals my writing seemed to hit a block. Last week was a very tough week for me. Even with doing my devotional time, I had something that seems stupid to tell someone about that had to be dealt with. Fear!!! Do you have an uncontrollable fear that you have to deal with? I get so stressed out with this fear that I even went to websites to see if it is a real phobia that other people have to deal with too. Well, I went to the following web site, to find a list of phobias from A to Z . Oh my gosh, I could not believe the amount of phobias that there are and also some of the really weird things people have phobias about. Here I am thinking other people are weird.

I could not believe after I read the whole list of weird and strange phobias that mine was not on the list. What is my phobia you might ask? I have a real phobia of taxes and the IRS. OK, laugh if you like but I really get stressed out every year. I don't lie on my taxes or do anything illegal that under those circumstances might give me a real reason to fear these things. I also realized that it was so stupid to get so stressed out every year like I did, but every year it happens all over again. You should of seen the year they decided to audit me for no apparent reason. Boy was I a real basket case then.

Now, I realized that the first step to conquer this fear was going to have to start with God. Fear can be one of Satan's most powerful weapons when we allow him to cripple us with it. That was what Satan did to me. I was so stressed out that it effected my sleep, eating, writing, etc. Fear if left unchecked can limit us, cripple us, and even destroy our lives. At least my fear only happens once a year. What if you had one of these phobias: "Amaxophobia" - Fear of riding in a car., "Agoraphobia"- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Fear of crowds., "Ablutophobia"- Fear of washing or bathing., "Agyrophobia"- Fear of streets or crossing the street, etc. These are just a few of the phobias that start with the letter A. How would your life change with one of these phobias?

Well, I finally got my tax stuff put all together. I took it with my daughter's tax stuff to get it taken care of. Little did I know how God was at work. My first miracle and blessing that happened during this whole ordeal was that through a turn of events due to my work, and God working behind the scenes I ended up getting my taxes and my daughter's taxes done free of charge just a few days before they were due. I knew God had His hands on what was going on.

Now, I did not get a big unexpected refund. In fact after all was figured out, I did have to pay. I had thought I was going to get to use my daughter as a deduction for one more year, but that was not the case. She did get a very nice refund for all her hard work though. The second blessing came when I called my daughter to tell her the news. The first words out of her mouth after I told her how things had worked out were, "Can you pay yours Mom? You can use my money if you need to." I was so touched. You see during my very tough divorce my ex-husband's goal was to run me into the ground financially. He left leaving me with all the bills. It has been a tough time working on my financial recovery. However, when I have been truly in need God has always been there, just like He was this time to help me out. When I told someone about this later and they talked to my daughter she replied, "My mom has always been there for me and I will always be there for her." My daughter's love means more to me than any riches I could ever have. I had to stop and think if my daughter loves me this much how much more does God love me? Why was I ever so afraid of something so little compared to the big picture of my life? God showed me that He was there for me and would always be there for me. Little did I know how much he would show me this again just a few days later.

I was also plagued with some computer problems during this time, but this did not get me down. Although I could not post for several days I still got back to writing again. I was so thankful that God again answered my prayers. When ever I am dealing with trials I pray for God's help. Now I know we would all like God to remove the trials we go through, but sometimes there is a greater purpose we just don't understand. I have learned that I find comfort when I add to my prayers, that if God can't remove the trials from my life that He at least will show me in some way that His hands are on the situation and that He is in control. There was no doubt that God's hands were dealing with my tax time fears. But God went one step further too.

Earlier this week I had to drop off some art work across town before going to school. As I finished dropping off the work and headed off to school for my day of teaching I started getting some really strange feelings. As I continued to drive my thoughts turned to prayer for the day. I like to pray before starting my day teaching. It puts me in a good frame of mind to start my day. It was a very windy day that day but it was also sunny and clear. I was almost to school when I got behind a large vehicle like a suburban (I'm not much for identifying vehicles). On top of the vehicle there were two thick particle board panels (4 x 8 feet) tied down to the roof. After I prayed I still felt uneasy feelings, but could find no reason for them. A moment later I would understand.

With no notice, a very large gust of wind came up and caught the front end of the particle board panels snapping both of them in two. With no time or no way to avoid it I now had four thick large pieces of particle board blowing straight for my windshield edge ends first. People would tease me later, telling me that it sounded like the movie scene in, "Final Destination". All I could see was that these four boards were coming straight for me and I could do nothing. I could not pull to the right, because there was no shoulder just a deep gully. To do this would mean I would surely flip my car. I could not pull to the left because there was another car coming the other way and that would only mean a head on collision. There was only one option and that was to turn it over to God and to put my faith and trust in Him. Yes it was scary but the moment I turned it over to Him I got such a peace in my heart. It was amazing and so is what happened next.

I could still just watch as time seemed to slow down and the four panels edge first kept coming closer to barreling straight into my windshield. Then right at the very last moment before they hit, another strong gust of wind came. Three of the panels blew up and over the roof of my car and the last one that was trailing a bit behind the others blew down and hit the street. Only part of the last board bounced off the street doing only minor damage to my car. I was not hurt at all and my car only got a few scraps and scratches to be repaired. I could not believe my eyes and neither could the man that was driving the vehicle that the boards were tied to. All I could think was how much God's hands were there to touch every minute of our lives, even when we least expect it. I thought, "What do I have to fear when I am in God's hands?"

The more I have thought about the experiences that I have gone through lately the more I know that God was teaching me that with Him I have nothing to fear. Satan would love to have us all crippled with fear. When Satan does this He can keep us from serving God's will in a way that honors God's will and glorifies His name. Tax fears could not stop me, computer problems could not stop me, and nothing else will stop me either when God is with me.

The only thing that can limit me is my faith and trust in God. God has shown me again that there are no limits to His love for me. If you have fears turn them over to God. He is there to make your fears meaningless and to give your faith true meaning with His love and guidance. I praise you and thank you God for showing me that you are always there.

Find the prayer for this post at


No Cause For Fear

I count my blessings many
The times I fear grow few
The faith and trust I find
Helps my spirit to renew

The times that I get weary
The days when I am weak
I find a quiet time to pray
God's strength is what I seek

He's there when I don't see Him
My God hears me when I call
With loving grace and forgiveness
He picks me up each time I fall

I look for comfort in His word
My time for trials I'll not bemoan
The plans I follow are in His hands
The final answers are God's alone

With you my God I find my strength
With you there is no cause for fear
Safe within your loving hands
Showing me your always near.


Sunday, April 8, 2007

A Season, A Reason, Or A Lifetime

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Saturday, April 7, 2007

May Your Will Be Done

I can remember when the movie The Passion first came out. One of the things that critics complained about was how violent the movie was. The movie does have graphic violence in it, but I must say it has less violence in it than a lot of slasher movies that did not come under attack by the critics for the violence that these movies had. The thing that Christians really need to remember and meditate on, is that the movie The Passion showed very little of the violent torture and suffering that our Savior went through so that we might be saved.

It is very hard for me sometimes to deal with some of the trials that I face in life when I can't see an end to them. It is hard when we must live our lives during trials with blind faith to know that God is there for us and that He is in control. I know that I can never fully imagine the weight that Jesus felt on His shoulders the night that He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. I do know that even though Jesus was under severe stress with the burden He was carrying and that He was struggling with it as He prayed, Jesus turned His burden over to His Father's will.
It says in Matthew 26:39, "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.'" Jesus knew what was to happen and the pure Hell He was facing. Yet Jesus humbled himself to God, and although He wished that He did not have to go through it, Jesus accepted His fate knowing it was God's will. Matthew tells us that later Jesus again turned it all over to God. Matthew 26:42 says, "He went away a second time and prayed, 'My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.'"

There are times that I am fully convinced that the reason God does not reveal everything to us all at once is that God knows we are not strong enough in our faith to deal with it all at once. God knows that we must first learn to trust Him so that we are able to turn it all over to Him. I will admit that for me, that is not always the easiest thing to do. I will also tell you that it is easier today than it was yesterday, a week ago, or a year ago. It is easier because God continues to work in my life and with my faith. I am a stronger person than I was a year ago. My faith is stronger than it was a year ago. Through our trials God loves us, guides us, makes us stronger, builds our faith up, and brings us closer to Him. The more we die to ourselves the more alive we become in faith for Him. Jesus is our model as He gave His life for us so unselfishly so that we might be saved.

When we face trials and carry heavy burdens on our shoulders all we need to do is pray and turn it all over to God. He is waiting for us to come to Him. He loves us and intercedes for us even when we are not aware of what is going on behind the scenes of our trials. As we walk through our valley in the darkness He will be our light and lead us if we turn to Him. When we feel overwhelmed by trials that we face we need to remember the prayers Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. We can pray for our burdens to be lifted but we must also turn it over to God. Let HIS will be done. May God's light always shine on you and may you feel His love with the blessing of this Easter Holiday.


The Journey

How many chances will it take
How many mistakes must I make

For my journey to be done...

The lonesome nights I have faced
The restless times my brain has paced

Where peace has found no home...

The things that faith now must change
The ways my life must rearrange

As I prepare to face the climb...

How many steps will it take
What sacrifices must I make

Resisting Satan's subtle calls...

My courage I will seek in prayer
I know my Savior's always there

To lead and be my guide...

Oh yes my journey has a cost
To find what with sin once was lost

His cross and nails paid my price...

True faith brings joy when suffering
I now sing praises to my king

In the darkness He is my light...

From the valley to the mountain peak
Lord it's always you that I will seek

You'll be there when my journey's done...

Looking down to see how far I've come
Through the journey what was won

His love and blessings my reward...

Until again God's call I will hear
With a new journey drawing near

A new mountain I will climb...


Remember to look for the link below to More Footsteps In The Valley for the prayer that goes with this post.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Did You Know God Keeps A Scrapbook?

One of the latest craft trends that has really taken off in the last few years is scrap booking. It is no longer just a matter of sticking little corner holders in a photo album to hold the family pictures and saving newspaper clippings. Now people are creating wonderful works of art with their scrapbooks. Fancy papers, stickers, and a lot of other wonderful new extras are offered to frame our special photos and memories with. There are now whole sections at craft stores devoted to scrap booking and there are scrap booking parties where people go to buy materials or share time together as they work on their own scrapbooks.

A couple years ago at Thanksgiving time my older brother and his family came down from the Chicago area to visit. He is the only one that lives far away from the rest of the family, so it is a wonderful time when they are able to come. My sister-in-law is very much involved with her scrap booking hobby and asked if we could help her when she came to visit. My brother had a bunch of photos from our childhood and my sister-in-law wanted to make an album with them. She thought that we could help her by giving the times, places, people, and stories behind the photos so that she could record the information as she put the pages together. What I thought was going to be an activity that took just a couple of hours went on for hours and hours, turning into one of the most special Thanksgivings the family has ever had. We started out looking at pictures and ended up remembering, sharing, laughing, and teasing about the wonderful memories that went with the family photos we went through. We gave our own perspectives to the memories and events, as well as filling in the gaps for each other's memories. I can't remember when I've had so much fun with my brothers and my sister.

We all like to reminisce on special memories in our lives. Things we did, times shared with loved ones, activities with friends, and touching moments forever engraved into our hearts by something said to us. We laugh, we cry, and we smile as we look back at the wonderful times in our lives. Did you know that God keeps memories like this too? Did you know that He keeps a special scrap book with records of what the faithful say and what is on their hearts?

Malachi 3:16 tells us about a book of remembrance. It says, "Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name." God loves to see his faithful children sharing His word, witnessing to others, praising Him for the blessings in their lives, and meditating on His name. When we do this He is recording it in a special book, just as we do when we scrap book. He is looking for memories of the faithful.

Just as Jesus wanted His disciples to hold Him to be more important than anything else on earth, He expects the same of us. This is a weighty responsibility that can only be met with the purest commitment to Him. He must be the most important thing in our lives. We must love God above everything else, just as it tells us in Exodus 20:3 when it says, "You shall have no other gods before me." God is looking for those that are willing to give up all worldly possessions, forsake all worldly relationships, and obey Him above all others. He is not looking for memories from those that just give lip service to God and their faith. He is looking for memories from those that live by their faith, those He knows personally through prayer, those that seek His knowledge in the scriptures, those that reach out being servants to others honoring Him, and those that seek the lost to bring them to Him. In other words, God is seeking memories for his book of remembrance that honor and glorify Him. He is looking for those that have their faith written across their hearts.

In Malachi 3:16 it tells us that when we live by our faith and do the things that honor and glorify the Lord, He hears us and listens to us. When we live by our faith we have an open communication line with God. He listens to us, He hears us, He is able to be an active part of our lives, and He will bless us. What have you done today that God would want to put in His book of remembrance?


His Book Of Remembrance

This morning when I wake up Lord
I will sing out and praise Your name
For the salvation that has changed me
My life will never be the same

I will meditate on Your name
I will seek wisdom in Your word
Today let me spread Your seeds
To those Your name they've never heard

Let me live my life to honor You
In all the things I do and say
Forgive me for failing You falling short
Please never take Your loving mercy away

I pray that my gifts and talents
Glorify You when others look
And that they bring You pleasure
to be recorded in Your book


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Forgiveness At The Crossroads Of Love And Anger

Finding Forgiveness

Where do we find forgiveness
What must be offered and must be sought
Forgiveness from pain and agony
It can’t be bartered for or even bought

Where is the place called forgiveness
A place our souls can find a home
Where remorse finds peace and deliverance
With forgiveness each can call their own

Where vengeance and guilt find no place to hide
A place where broken hearts can mend
To find the love that once was lost
A place where friendships never end

Lord light the path that leads us now
To a special forgiveness of our own
For true forgiveness can’t be found
Unless true faith is in the home

Only faith removes these heavy chains
That binds anger tightly to the heart
In prayer we must look to the cross
Where true forgiveness had its start

Our Savior is our loving refuge
And our righteous battle sword
Trust in Him to give you justice
Our power’s in the Living Lord

Forgiveness you must give
If it is to be received
Only then can chains be broken
Only then our souls relieved

FaithfulToOne © 2007

Harvard Women's Health Watch published an article a while back that said that forgiving those who hurt you can improve your mental and physical well being. In the article it gives five reasons that we should forgive someone. We often think that giving forgiveness to someone only benefits the person being forgiven, but that is not true. Harvard Women's Health Watch discusses the five health benefits that were scientifically studied that effect the forgiver:

1. Forgiving reduces stress in the forgiver. Relieving grudges and offering forgiveness can reduce strains that can show up physically in ways such as: Muscle tension, higher blood pressure, and increased sweating.

2. One study found a link between offering forgiveness and a healthier heart. Offering forgiveness showed improved blood pressure, better heart rates, and an eased workload put on the heart.

3. A 2004 study showed that a woman that was able to offer forgiveness to her spouse and show compassion for him was much better and more effective in resolving conflict situations and had stronger relationships. Men do you care to step up to the plate on this too? If God calls the man to be the faithful head of the home this is something he should be modeling for others too.

4. One study on people with chronic back pain found that if they practiced meditation that focused on converting angry feelings into compassionate feelings, they felt less pain and anxiety than those who just received regular care.

5. Forgiveness effects the forgivers bringing them greater happiness. One study revealed that if a person talks about forgiveness during therapy sessions they exhibited greater improvement then those that didn't. When you forgive someone, you are taking responsibility for your own happiness instead of giving it to the person that hurt or betrayed you.

John 20:23 says, "If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." So what are the dangers of not forgiving someone? Mark 11:25 says, And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." Matthew 6:14-15 also warns us, "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." The Bible tells us if we wish to have our slates wiped clean when we go to the Father and ask for forgiveness, then we must be willing to forgive those that have wronged us too. Ephesians 4:31-32 tells us, "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

If you are seeking help with healing and forgiveness I would recommend the daily email messages from the DivorceCare website. I have a link here on my blog. Even if you are not getting a divorce there are some very powerful messages for dealing with the breakdown in relationships. I can with all faith and honesty tell you that I feel the ones I got recently were messages from God. The reason I can say this is that God used them to help me forgive someone in my life.

There was once a man in my life that I loved and cared deeply about. He was the one that broke off our relationship and we parted on very bitter terms. I had made peace with the situation, because I believed it was God's will at the time. I had not wanted to harbor any ill will for the man and prayed often for God to help me forgive him. I thought over time that I had completely forgiven him, but God knew that I still harbored pain for the hurt that was caused by our break up. God knew me better than I knew myself.

After our break up, there was one attempt that was made to reconcile our feelings and move on. I had hoped that we could at least be good friends in faith, but it ended with emails that only vented angry, bitter, hurt, and very negative feelings on both sides. We were both at fault this time. They were emails that did not show how two Christians should be treating one another. After that there was no real contact going on except for the occasional impersonal email being forwarded to each other. Over time I again prayed to find forgiveness and move on, but still I now know there were pains of resentment from some of the hurtful things he had said to me.

During this time we were not talking to one another so I did not know what was going on in his life, but after we parted ways God knew that there was work to be done with both of us. I can tell you that during this time God did a lot to bring me closer to Him and to give me real focus on things I need to accomplish for Him. God also had work to do for the man that had hurt me. Again, God knew him better then he knew himself. He had been harboring anger and bitterness in his heart for a long time. The longer it was there the more it ate away at him until finally in complete frustration he turned to God. As soon as he humbled himself in prayer and turned to God, God got busy. God revealed a lot to this man as he turned things over to God and continued to seek His will and direction. Saying all this God still had more to show him, because even though the man prayed and prayed, he saw no intersession.

What was God waiting for? Only later, would we both understand that God was working behind the scenes and it was God waiting on him. As God began to work in the man's life, he wanted to reach out to me and ask for forgiveness. The fear of rejection and the bitterness he thought I would respond with held him back. Then one day he took a chance and forwarded a touching story to me. He almost didn't email it, but he felt the Holy Spirit strongly urging him on. The email had no message or plea for forgiveness with it, it was just the story. The Holy Spirit was working on the other side too, because the story touched my heart. I sent him an email that thanked him for the story. I did not swing the door wide open, but it was the Holy Spirit leaving a crack in the door. If I had been more faithful at the time, I would have seen what was coming next a whole lot sooner than I did.

As God was preparing the man's heart to ask for forgiveness, God was preparing mine to receive it. I did not realize until later the many times God had tried to reach me, but I was too busy with the many things going on in my life, to hear His messages. Praise God, because he never gave up. God was determined to have His will known. I often find that if you really want to know what God is trying to tell you, that you have to find quiet time and a quiet place with him. When the world invades that quiet time and place, it is like static on a cell phone that keeps you from receiving what the other person is trying to say. God will find many ways to reach us and He will never give up on us. I find direction in God's word, through the scriptures and through devotionals that I read. Several times I have turned to the scriptures, heard a song on the radio, watched a sermon on TV, or read a devotional message that I know was a message from God or a direct answer to a prayer.

I have subscribed to three devotionals that are emailed to me everyday. I also get daily email messages from the DivorceCare website. The DivorceCare program and their daily messages did a lot to help me heal when I was going through my divorce. I still receive them because they are great messages that often inspire my writing. I am sorry to say that due to my very busy schedule at the time, I had fallen behind reading my messages and devotionals. I had gotten some strange feelings over the last two weeks and now see the ways that God was trying to reach me, but I was not focused on Him at the time, because I was too busy. It was so subtle the way I put God on the back burner. I felt so ashamed when I realized I had missed His messages to me. When I realized this I asked for God's forgiveness. To be forgiven we must forgive.

The day the man chose to email me the story, God emailed me a message too. It was from DivorceCare titled, Forgiveness Is A Choice. This is part of that message: "'It's not a matter of how you feel,' says Harold Graham. 'It's not even a matter of how you think. It's a matter of your will. Your will is the part of you that makes your decisions. Either you will or you won't, or you do or you don't. It is that cut and dried. The difficulty is once you make that decision, your emotions will kick in and say, 'Time out, I really don't want to do this.'" The rest of the message gave some very good ways to look at forgiveness. It ended with the prayer "God, I cannot forgive through my own strength. Thank you that there is forgiveness with You. Amen." As I read this I consciously did not make the connection, but I now know that the seed was planted.

I emailed a simple reply to the story the man sent. This email and the work God was doing in this man's heart was finally enough to break down the wall of hurt, anger, and bitterness that he had built. The next day, I was totally caught off guard and was not prepared for the email I received. It was a touching message of how God had been working in this man's life since our last bitter exchange. It was also a sincere heartfelt message asking me to forgive him. After I read it I just sat there because I could not believe my eyes. Could this really be coming from the same man? Was he really being sincere in his message? Could there really be hope in repairing our friendship or even more? Could God really change some one's heart so much?

These are just a few of the questions that rapidly ran through my brain, heart, and soul. Then came the big question! With all honesty, could I really completely forgive him? I wanted to forgive him. I don't ever want to have ill will in my heart for anyone, but wanting to do something and having the will to do it as the DivorceCare message said, are two different things. I wanted to respond immediately but I couldn't. The more I tried, the more I reread the email, the more my doubts held me back. I knew of nothing else to do but pray, turn it over to God, and then wait on God for guidance. I knew what the Bible said about forgiveness, but the doubts that plagued me were very strong. Later that evening I was floored again when I opened up my DivorceCare message for the day. This message was title, Forgiveness Is A Decision You Make. The following is an excerpt from the message, "'Forgiveness is a decision only you can make. 'Forgiveness is a decision you make,' says Doug Easterday. 'I can't do it for you. Even the person who offended you can't. God can't do it for you. You're the only one in the history of the world who can make this choice. Therefore, you have something to say about your own destiny if you choose to forgive.'" As I read the rest of the message I knew God was definitely trying to speak to me.

After I prayed, I knew what I needed to do. I tried several times to write him back but could never find the right words to say, so I prayed harder. I got the same answer each time I prayed, "Free yourself and let him heal, forgive him." Still the words to write would not come. I was so busy and overtired with things going on in my life, I could not think. Finally out of desperation I prayed for God to give me strength. The next thing I knew I was calling the man on the phone, yet in the back of my mind I was hoping he would not answer. I had no idea what I would say and prayed that God would find the words for me. God did, because when he answered God gave us both strength. Our doors swung wide open and we forgave each other.

The next day I discovered something really amazing that I knew I had to share with him. While the man was praying for forgiveness from God and for my forgiveness, he had no idea how many times God was trying to intercede for him. I didn't realize it either until I went back to my email. When I reread the man's letter and the DivorceCare messages I began to wonder what was in the other messages I had been too busy to read. To my astonishment I found out that for eleven days God had been trying to reach me with messages about forgiveness. For eleven days the theme for the DivorceCare messages were on forgiveness. When I stopped to think about that I also realized other ways God had been planting seeds of forgiveness. Seeds I had not even realized until now. So what messages from DivorceCare were still to come over the next few days? I knew that there would still be doubts springing up? Did God have more messages for us? So I went to the DivorceCare site to check. God was not leaving anything to chance. He knew that our new found forgiveness would need reinforcement and nurturing so the messages that were still to come over the next few days were on forgiveness and reconciliation.

At this point I knew the messages I had received (and ones I was going to receive) were not just for me but they were for him too. Little did I know how right I was. When I talked to him that night he was in awe at the way God had been interceding for him even when he still had his doubts. We know God brought us back together so that both of us could forgive and heal. Our faith has taken another leap with this shared experience and we have committed our friendship to God. We will take one day at a time with our friendship and continue to pray that God leads us in our faith. We will seek His direction and His will for our lives. We know that even when forgiveness is honestly given it takes time. It does not mean that you just start over where you were before. We know that God loves and cares for both of us and that He does not want His children to suffer. It feels wonderful when you find forgiveness and break the chains that hold you back. If you are having trouble forgiving someone pray and turn it over to God so that He can heal you too.

FaithfulToOne © 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

My Dream- Which Way Are You Facing Today?

One night I was reading the Bible before I went to bed and read Psalm 138:7, "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me. " That night when I went to bed I had a dream.

I dreamt that I was walking on a path. As I walked I noticed that only one set of footsteps were on the path that was behind me now. Long dark shadows were clinging tightly to my heels, casting fearful shapes that distorted everything they covered. The things in my life that lined the path I was walking became very distracting and kept me from feeling the peace I thought should be around me. I was like a child waking up to a dark bedroom in the middle of the night. Disoriented, I was fearful and scared because I saw everything through a dark veil. Anxious to be free of this nightmare, I closed my eyes hoping it was all a bad dream, only to open them again to the silent sights and sounds of loneliness. I felt hopeless and overcome by my restless feelings of abandonment. Then, just like a small child I cried out in prayer to my Heavenly Father. I had one plea and that was for Him to rescue me with His Heavenly light.

When I finish praying I heard God call to me like a loving and reassuring parent saying, "I am right here with you my child." "Where are you God? I can not see you!", I responded with great urgency in my voice. "Turn around child", He said. When I turned around His glorious light bathed me with His love. My heart rejoiced as I again felt His comfort and strength. In joy I praised His Holy name. Then dropping to my knees, now humbled and fully aware of the power that surrounded me, I prayed for God's forgiveness. I realized that God had always been with me. The darkness and shadows that had scared me were cast because of His light that He had always been shining on me all along. It was dark because I had turned my back on His direction and wandered off the path He had for me into the shadows. There was only one set of footprints on the path of trials that I was on, but I was never alone. He was there shining His light on the path that was His will for me, waiting for me to turn around and correct my way. Then I remembered that
James 4:8 says, "Draw nearer to God and He will draw nearer to you."

God's light is always there ahead of us to light our way with His love, wisdom, mercy, forgiveness, courage, and strength. If we have faith and focus on His light trusting in Him, we have nothing to fear. The shadows that are behind us can not hurt us or blind us with darkness to the direction we should be heading to honor and glorify God.

I prayed, " Father please forgive me for ever doubting you. It was not you, it was me that had made the errors in our relationship. When I lost my focus on you I got distracted, turned around, and lost. All I could see was my past and what you had already put behind me. I could only see my life scared through the veil of darkness. Thank you for hearing my fearful prayers. You are the God as written in Psalm 68:19 who daily bears my burdens, and I praise you. You called out to me when I was scared and lost with such loving comfort, turning me back to you. Father, I pray that you now keep me focused forward so that your light shines brightly on me always. Guide my steps, so that the darkness can no longer scare me for my life is now yours. I now focus on you with great joy, for the blessings and the trials I face. I know that you are always there for me when I am in need. I wish to seek Your will and blessings for my life so that my life reflects Your light in a way that honors and glorifies You always. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.

I woke up from the dream with such a peace and joy in my heart, as if a great weight had been lifted off of me. I also quickly grabbed pencil and paper so that I could share this with others. My question to you is, "Which way are you facing today?"

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Kind Of Pack Rat Are You?

Well my feet ache and my head is stopped up from dust. I have been putting in many extra hours at school over the last week, doing some "Spring Cleaning" for special visitors we are having to the school. It is amazing how fast the clutter can pile up in an art room if you don't stay on top of it. There had been a lot of clutter before I started at the school because they had not had an art program for several years and everything for the art room had been tossed in boxes and put in storage. I had the great honor LOL of unpacking it all, going through the stuff and cleaning out the dusty storerooms. This is actually my first step for cleaning, because I intend to spend several days of my Spring break this year doing some "Faithful Spring Cleaning" at home too. I know I need to do cleaning before I can sell my house so I can find a place to live where I don't have so much yard to take care of. I also know God is making me deal with some issues I need to face.

Now I must admit when it comes to Spring Cleaning I have a genetic flaw which is one thing God is really dealing with in my life right now. My genetic flaw is that I am a pack rat. My mother was a terrible pack rat and my dad still is. This is partly one of those sins of your parents things, but I do accept responsibility for my own pack ratting behavior. With me being the creative artist type, it is like I have 2 strikes against me that I am battling! But my daughter has been helping me to face this head on and deal with it. I am pleased that she wants to help us get free from the chains I have created in my life.

The first thing I must say is that for the most part, Americans on the whole are all a bit like pack rats. Most Americans have too much "Stuff". The fact that so many Americans are in such credit card and other debt situations proves that we have a Needs vs Wants problem. Advertising doesn't help much either. They can make every want sound like we are going to die if we don't get it. I hear children now days often saying, "I need this and I need that." when all their requests are wants, one after the other. How many parents give in and are just as guilty too?

Paul wrote in Philippians 4:12-13, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." How many people have the faithful internal peace that Paul writes about? How many people can say that they can be content like this regardless of their circumstances? I know that when you are use to living comfortably with all your needs met and most of your wants met too, when something drastic happens and you have to live not knowing if your needs are going to be met, it can be very stressful, scary, and even devastating. It changes you and your whole perspective towards "stuff". You could care less if you have an IPOD or not, when you don't know if you are going to be able to pay your mortgage this month, If you loose your home and have to live out of your car, or if you don't know if you're going to have to go to bed hungry tonight. For many people in the world hunger is a real life threatening issue. Yet in America, statistics on obesity show many of us are pack ratting food in our bodies. You know the super size this and the extra helping of that. That is really what overeating is.

Another form of pack ratting comes from procrastination. Stuff piles up and we can give all sorts of excuses about being tired or that you have so much to do, but the fact is that this is a form of rebellion. A lot of times these pack ratting people are called lazy or as the Bible says sluggard. Proverbs 13:4 says, "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." Proverbs 21:25 says, "The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work." Procrastination is a very deceptive thing. The person may not be a lazy person. He or she may be a very busy person. People will make time and have energy for the things that they value. If it is not high on their list or important enough to them, it gets shoved aside for the things that are high on our lists. If we don't want to do it, we put it off until the consequences become more painful or costly than what we have been putting off. Proverbs 6:9 says, "How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?"

What we often don't realize until it is too late, is that procrastination creates chains that bind us up, drag us down, and weaken our faith. We could meet the task head on, face it, do it, and then it is done. Yes, it may be unpleasant or painful, but the longer we wait the more links in the heavy chain are added. Heavier and heavier it hangs around us and drags us down. Inaction is one of Satan's greatest tools, because it can start off very subtly.

This can be applied to so many areas of your life. It might be the clutter in your house, garage, etc. This is one of my guilty areas, because I put things off because of the pain I was going through during my separation and divorce. When you continue to put off dealing with clutter it does not stop and wait on you, it will just keep growing and growing. When you finally look at it, just the thought of dealing with it is overwhelming. In this case the best plan of action is to set small goals you can meet. If you break one link of the chain at a time it will come off. The first link is always the hardest, but by setting small goals that you can realistically meet, you can feel good with what you accomplish. It just takes time, but then you are free.

Church groups could be a real help to these people too. Often they won't ask for help because they are embarrassed and then they can become very withdrawn depressed people. People in the old days had the right idea when they would join together to have a "Barn Raising". Church groups could make lists of things people in the group want to get done but haven't gotten done yet. It may be painting a room, cleaning out a storage area, cutting down a tree, etc. Then schedule to do it together and help each other out. When you get done with that list you can expand and help others too. You not only get your work done (with fun and fellowship), but you are then a service to others too.

Another area that pack ratting hits hard with procrastination is with emotions. You get in an argument and hurt the other person's feelings. You would rather procrastinate and pack rat those emotions then deal with them. In the mean time the other person is hurting because you refuse to apologize and ask for forgiveness. You fester from the issues you won't deal with. This can drag you down for days, months, years, or even a lifetime. When some one hurts us we can pack rat our hurt and pain too, because it is too painful to deal with. The longer we pack rat our emotions and live in the past, the higher the wall is that we build around us, the more links in the heavy chain we add, and the more withdrawn for our true emotions we become.

Sometimes stuff and emotions intertwine to make matters worse. Instead of defining ourselves the way God would have us do through faith, we start to define ourselves by our stuff. Our job, what kind of car we drive, what kind of house we live in, what kind of clothes we wear, what country club we belong to, etc. all become the things we value ourselves with and define ourselves with. The problem is there is never enough. We have to have more and more, we have to keep up with the neighbors, we have to work more to get more stuff, etc. We pack rat more and more stuff because it makes us temporarily feel good about ourselves. We then see the next thing we want and justify why we think we need it. The more we get the more we have to have, the more debit we are willing to put ourselves it to get it, and in the end we still feel an emptiness. When we pack rat material things our faith pays the price.

We begin to slip into the habit of spending our time and efforts in the "Material World" instead of in the "Godly World". We spend time pleasing ourselves instead of pleasing God. We spend time in front of the TV or on the computer instead of reading our Bible, praying, and following God's will for our lives. Beware, if you are right now ignoring God's repeated calling for you to do something. He will get your attention one way or another. If you are too wrapped up with your stuff, and you procrastinate when God calls, because you really don't want to do it, BEWARE." He may take it all away to get your attention and to lovingly redirect you back to Him and His will for your life. If we let so much build up in our lives that we are overwhelmed and stressed out, we can't be good servants for God. When I was trying to deal with severe financial problems during my divorce, I noticed that I kept growing closer to God. As I trusted in Him more and more, He revealed to me things He wanted to deal with in me. He wanted to make me stronger in my faith. As I have been dealing with them, My faith continues to grow.

Now, I am trying to stay in my new purging state of mind, because I know God is working in my life on this matter. When God is working on something in our lives we need to trust Him and turn it over to Him. Keep your communication lines open to Him with prayer. If it is a real issue for you it probably won't all happen over night, but God will help you get through it. You will have to do your part. You will need to do some time management, goal setting, set up a plan of action, and then stick to it. When Satan starts telling you it can't be done you need to stop being a pack rat and turn it over to Him, God will help us face the mountains, tear down the walls, break the chains, or what ever else needs to be done so that we can all be free in faith with His love, to honor and glorify Him.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Anger Is The Wind That Blows Out The Light Of Reason

Anger is the wind that blows out the light of reason. Like love, anger is one of our strongest emotions. There are two different types of anger. The first is a righteous anger that we see examples of in the Bible when judgment and justice were passed against sinful people. It says in Numbers 14:18 “The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.” I often wondered about this verse until I became a parent. Your children will not only learn your good habits and teaching, they will learn all your bad habits and weak character traits too if you are not careful. You condemn your children to the sins you have if you do not do something about them. If parents smoke there is a lot higher percentage of chance that the children will smoke too, than if they grow up in a smokeless home. If parents or other family members swear, use drugs, get involved with pornography, are abusive, have anger issues, etc. there is more of a chance that the children will follow in the parents footsteps than if they did not grow up around these things. These families will continue to suffer until someone has the faith and strength enough to break the chain and break free of the sins that continues to punish the family.

Anger is one of those emotions we can’t avoid but it is up to us to control. Anger is good when it gives us a call to action against injustice, but if we let it control us then it take on a very destructive and sinful form. This is the second type of anger: Anger that is a destructive parasite.

The Bible tells us that we should not let our anger get the better of us when we see the injustice and evil succeed around us. Instead it tells us to trust in the Lord and let Him take care of it.
In Psalm 37:7-9 it says, “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.” I hold tightly to this verse when people wrong me or others and they seem to get away from it. I know that God has so much love for us and only wants the best for us, but I also know that I would never want to make Him angry with me. Psalm 86:15 says, “But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” He is slow to anger but He does not hold back forever. He will deal with the sinful that do not repent and turn from their wicked ways. Isaiah 13:13 says, “Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the LORD Almighty, in the day of his burning anger.”

The one thing I have discovered is that the second type of anger is a parasite that preys on its host. It is an emotion that can’t exist by itself. Matter of fact, it often masks or hides other emotions. You might see someone getting angry because they are jealous. Jealousy is the cause and anger is the effect. Someone can get angry at their spouse. Why? There are several reasons: They are selfish and did not get things their own way, because their love was hurt from betrayal or broken trust, because hurt feelings were never dealt with, etc. Anger is a reaction to things that happen to us. Uncontrolled anger is a parasite that continues to feed off its host, getting stronger and stronger building grudges and making us bitter unless it is discovered and removed.

We should strive to be like our Lord as it says in Psalm 145:8, “The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” It is impossible to expect anyone never to get angry, it is not impossible to learn how to control it so that it does not control you. There are all too many ways that we see anger free to run in this world today: Road rage, divorce, domestic violence, swearing, and the “I’ll screw them before they can screw me attitude”.

The Bible addresses this type of anger several times. James 1:19-21 says, “dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” Ephesians 4:25- 27 says, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. ‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” When we allow our anger to fester and feed on us we are giving Satan a weakness to exploit and prey on. If we confront our anger and deal with it then it can not control us. Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This tell us that not only do we need to be responsible for controlling our own anger but that we should also help others control their anger too by not inciting more. When someone is showing the signs of loosing control your calm demeanor can go a long way to keeping the hot water from hitting the boiling point. We are also warned in Proverbs that we should not be friends with those that have anger management problems. Proverbs 22:24-25 says, “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.” Lynch mobs and crowd violence are good examples of this. A few in anger stir up trouble until emotions are high and things get out of control.

Here are some suggestions to deal with your anger:

1. Take care of problems when they are small. Don’t allow them to fester and get the better of you. Don’t allow others to push your buttons. When you do that you loose control and give it to them.

2. If you are really angry about something don’t try to handle it in that frame of mind. Walk away and give yourself time to calm down first. Remember hurtful words said in anger can never be taken back.

3. Make sure you understand why you are angry. Is your anger masking another problem that is not being dealt with? If you have a real anger problems these issues that you mask with anger may go all the way back to your childhood. You may need to seek counseling to find out what childhood issues prevent you from expressing you anger appropriately. These might include fears, abuse, denial, etc.

4. You need to forgive and move on with your life. One of the best ways to relieve ourselves from stress and anger is to forgive someone. When you do not forgive someone you are hurting yourself more than you could ever hurt the other person. If you are dealing with anger issues it may be because you are still harboring your inability to show forgiveness and only feel bitterness against someone. If you are doing this you maybe punishing others with your anger because you refuse to forgive someone that has made you bitter and move on. If you are feeling guilty about something the person you may need to forgive is yourself. Ephesians 4:31-32 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” You need to take these issues to God in prayer. In prayer turn your bitterness and pain over to Him to heal and ask Him for the courage to forgive the person or people that wronged you. When you have done that then leave it with Him and focus on today and your future. Anger lives strong in our hearts when it has good hooks planted in the past. Remove the hooks and it has no hold.

5. Find appropriate ways to express your anger and ways to keep it from boiling over. For me prayer is the only sure fire answer. Listening to relaxing music to keep you calm on your drive home, to take your mind off traffic, might be an answer if you tend to get road rage. Keep a journal or write a letter. Sometimes it is just a need to vent our frustrations or express our hurt and pain that can help us control our anger. We may never even need to give the letter to the other person, but it can sure feel good getting it out. Exercise is also a great way to deal with anger. When we exercise our body releases endorphins which makes us feel better and will help reduce our stress levels too. Things like alcohol, drugs, overeating, etc. are all things that are escape tools that do not solve the problem they only mask it further and make it worse. Proverbs 29:11 says, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”

Anger is a parasite that will continue to feed off of us until it show on us physically, mentally, and emotionally. This can show physically as: high blood pressure, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, trembling, constipation, sleep problems, contracted pupils, impotence, and more. Mentally and emotionally it can show itself as: Criticism, irritation, hated, silence, passive aggressive or aggressive behavior, resentment, bitterness, envy, jealousy, vengeful, insecurity, poor self-esteem, being judgmental of others, condemning, anxiety, apathy, depression, vindictiveness, malaise, and more.
Let us live by love not anger. If you have anger issues you are dealing with you can’t be focused on God’s will for your life. If you are dealing with anger issues give them over to God. Strive to live as the Lord is described in Psalm 145:8 “The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” If you have wronged someone with your anger, ask them and God to forgive you. Jeremiah 10:23-24 says, “I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Correct me, LORD, but only with justice— not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing." God will show His love and mercy if we repent and ask for forgiveness. When He forgives us that is it. We are forgiven and we need to put it behind us and focus on what will honor and glorify Him. Nahum 1:3 says, "The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet." Why should you harbor your anger and bitterness when God can and will deal with your issues so much better. Forgive the person, free yourself from your parasite, and move on with your life in a way that honors and glorifies God. Let God deal with the guilty as the Bible tells us He will do.

Anger and forgiveness are for you to control. No one can do it for you. That does not mean you don’t have help. God will give you the strength to deal with it if you let Him. Pray and He will help you.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Love, Love, Love!

I love listening to music. Maybe it’s because to me, music is poetry with a sound that reaches your heart and soul in a way nothing else can. For the most part I listen to contemporary Christian music. I always have His Radio on in my car to and from work. It is a great way to pull my focus to where it should be in the morning and it helps me leave work behind by refocusing my attention on God when I leave work. It has been so amazing and such a blessing how God sometimes picks just the right song I need to hear, for something I am dealing with at the time. I think of it this way… Sometimes I listen to CD’s to the music that is my choice and when I listen to the radio I often pray that God choose the music He thinks I need to hear. So I let God pick out my music too. Now you may jest but before you are too critical of what I just said you might want to try it. I can’t count the number of times He has blessed me with selections I truly believe came from Him.

I do listen to other music too. There is some wonderful music out there in other styles. I have a real weakness for the blues and jazz when I am working on my art work and there are times when my heart just wants to hear some love songs. They can be the classics or more current hits. There is just something about a love song (I am sure this is probably more of a female thing. Men let me know if I am wrong about this.) that can touch my heart the way no other music can. I heard this love song by Monica the other day and it made me stop to think about how strong the emotion of love is.

For You I Will

By Monica

When you're feeling lost in the night,
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough,
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better,
I'll be there to protect you,
See you through,
I'll be there and there is nothing
I won't do.

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you,
For you I will.

I will shield your heart from the rain
I will let no harm come your way
Oh these arms will be your shelter
No these arms won't let you down,
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress, tall and strong
I'll keep you safe,
I'll stand beside you, right or wrong

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon (yeah, yeah)
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need (I will be..)
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you
For you I will

For you I will, lay my life on the line
For you I will fight, oooooh
For you I will die
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my world
I'll give it all
Put your faith in me (put you're faith in me)
And I'll do anything

I will cross the ocean for you

(I will cross the ocean for you)
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you (Promise you)
For you I will, I will, I will, I will,

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need, (Anything you need)
I will be the sun in your sky (yeah, yeah)
I will let you wait for all times
Promise you (I promise you)
For you I will (Ooooh)
I promise you
For you I will

Have you ever stopped to think how many love songs have been written? How many you’ve done me wrong songs or my heart is broken songs have been written? Oh please don’t include the in lust songs. So many people confuse being in lust with being in love these days.

Love is the strongest emotion we have. Love can make our lives and it can destroy them too when it is betrayed or not returned. We think how tragic when some one loves another the way this song illustrates it and the love is not returned. Oh but how beautiful it is when both feel this kind of love.

Now look at this song again and imagine Jesus singing it to you. This is how our loving Savior feels for us. He is always there for us when we are in need of Him. He wants us to come to Him when we can’t handle things. He has already endured the pain and suffering on the cross to give His life for us. He can move mountains for us if it is God’s will that they be moved. The only part of the song that is not true is the part where it says, “I’ll do anything for you”. The one thing Jesus would not do is sin. Satan tempted Jesus but He would not be moved. He is our hero and our greatest strength. What He offers us is salvation and that is greater than anything of this world he could give us.

The Bible speaks many times of love. According to the website,
The word love appears in the King James version of the Bible 310 times, New American Standard Version - 1995 ed. 348 times, New International Version 551 times, and New Revised Standard Version 538 times.

1 John 4:16 says, “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.” When we love God, God’s love lives in us and shines out from us for all to see. The Bible even tells us that the most important thing is our love for God. You can find this in Mark 12:28-30, “One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, ‘Of all the commandments, which is the most important?’ ‘The most important one,’ answered Jesus, is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'"

God also expects us to share His love with others. 1 John 4:19-21 says, “We love because he first loved us. Those who say, ‘I love God,’ and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also.”

The Bible also gives us a guide to judge what true love is. Paul wrote in

1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails…And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Here are two websites you can go to for great love songs and lyrics and . Check them out. Now ask yourself, “Does my love for God come first in my life, above and beyond all else? When I listen to love songs (not lust songs) do I feel that way about God? Am I willing to give up my life and be born again in faith as Jesus gave up His life for us so that we might have eternal life?

God wants us to feel love for Him the way that He feels love for us. He also wants us to reach out to others in love so that they may seek His love too. Before we seek to find love with another person we should first seek love from our Heavenly Father. His love is the only love that is perfect and will not let us down. Once we are immersed in His love, we will then have a model to follow and judge others with to see where they are in their faith. Are they "Real Men" and "Real Women" of faith that know what true love is? Do not get so obsessed and wrapped up in finding a partner to love that you miss out on feeling all the love around you that is offered to you. Build on your love with God, build on your love with your family, build on your love with your friends, build on your love with fellow Christians, build on your love with strangers by reaching out to them, and build on your love by being a servant to those in need.

True love is not that complicated because true love is an unselfish love that shows how much they value that love 24/7. It can be found in very simple things. One of the simplest love songs written still touches my heart so deeply. It says what love is in only six lines. Now you might interpret it (and it may have been written) as wanting to make love, but I have always seen this song in the purest form. Read it in that frame of mind and you can see how we can feel about God when we are saved. You can then also see how we can feel when we have true love in our hearts.

Colour My World

By James Pankow
Sung By Chicago

As time goes on, I realize
Just what you mean to me.
And now, now that you're near,
Promise your love that I've waited to share
And dreams of our moments together.
Color my world with hopes of loving you.

There is one other old song (Now I am dating myself. LOL) that I really like and want to share with you. The song again is a simple on that is done almost completely in similes (making comparisons to things using the word like or as). Read the lyrics to this song and then I have a challenge for you. If you were to write a song about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit what similes would you use? If you come up with any good poems or lists of similes, please post them in the comments.

Fine As Fine Can Be

By Gordon Lightfoot

You're as soft as the rose
You're as sweet as the honey
You're as warm as the bright morning sun
You're as cool as the breeze

on the last days of April
You're as fine as fine can be

You're like time is to space
You're like faith is to trustin'
You're like blue is to feelin' unkind
You're like joy is for love,
You're like dreams are for chasin'
You're as fine as fine can be

And when I am gone

my thoughts are all with you
You're my little angel you see
You're as bright as the moon
You're as light as a feather
You're as fine as fine can be

Like the rain is for the crops
You're like food for my thoughts
You're like true is for knowin' what's not
You're like leaves are for trees
You're like bees are for buzzin'
You're as fine as fine can be

You're as bright as the moon
You're as light as a feather
You're as fine as fine can be

Please remember to select the link below for More Footsteps In The Valley, to find the prayer that goes with this message. Take care and God bless.


Now There are two ways to walk in the valley

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Reflections Of My Fears

Reflections Of My Fears
If we constantly look back on the past feeling the pain and thinking about the things we fear, we can never focus to live today, or look forward to tomorrow. FaithToOne © 2006

Do You Hear The Call?

Do You Hear The Call?
Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, Here am I. Send me!”

The Path I Walk In The Valley

The Path I Walk In The Valley
Are you walking the path God has planned for you? Do not fear or become impatient when you can't see the end of the path. Trust in God as He lights the way for the steps you take today. He knows the way and the destination. FaithfulToOne © 2006

Phrase Search / Concordance
Words/Phrase To Search For
(e.g. Jesus faith love, or God of my salvation, or believ* ever*)

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. " Martin Luther King Jr. **************************************************************** "A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul. " Dwight Lyman Moody **************************************************************** "As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. " Emmanuel Teney ****************************************************************
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