What Are You Afraid Of?
It is amazing how God can show us things so clearly when we least expect it. This last couple of weeks has been amazing to me. Fears first and then computer problems have done there best to keep me off line on this blog, but I am up and running again. A smarter and more blessed person for the ordeals I have been through and for the miracles God has blessed me with.
The first trial I had came with tax time. As tax time kept creeping up my world got more and more stressed. Although I did keep up with my devotionals my writing seemed to hit a block. Last week was a very tough week for me. Even with doing my devotional time, I had something that seems stupid to tell someone about that had to be dealt with. Fear!!! Do you have an uncontrollable fear that you have to deal with? I get so stressed out with this fear that I even went to websites to see if it is a real phobia that other people have to deal with too. Well, I went to the following web site, to find a list of phobias from A to Z http://www.phobia-fear-release.com/phobia-list-2.html . Oh my gosh, I could not believe the amount of phobias that there are and also some of the really weird things people have phobias about. Here I am thinking other people are weird.
I could not believe after I read the whole list of weird and strange phobias that mine was not on the list. What is my phobia you might ask? I have a real phobia of taxes and the IRS. OK, laugh if you like but I really get stressed out every year. I don't lie on my taxes or do anything illegal that under those circumstances might give me a real reason to fear these things. I also realized that it was so stupid to get so stressed out every year like I did, but every year it happens all over again. You should of seen the year they decided to audit me for no apparent reason. Boy was I a real basket case then.
Now, I realized that the first step to conquer this fear was going to have to start with God. Fear can be one of Satan's most powerful weapons when we allow him to cripple us with it. That was what Satan did to me. I was so stressed out that it effected my sleep, eating, writing, etc. Fear if left unchecked can limit us, cripple us, and even destroy our lives. At least my fear only happens once a year. What if you had one of these phobias: "Amaxophobia" - Fear of riding in a car., "Agoraphobia"- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Fear of crowds., "Ablutophobia"- Fear of washing or bathing., "Agyrophobia"- Fear of streets or crossing the street, etc. These are just a few of the phobias that start with the letter A. How would your life change with one of these phobias?
Well, I finally got my tax stuff put all together. I took it with my daughter's tax stuff to get it taken care of. Little did I know how God was at work. My first miracle and blessing that happened during this whole ordeal was that through a turn of events due to my work, and God working behind the scenes I ended up getting my taxes and my daughter's taxes done free of charge just a few days before they were due. I knew God had His hands on what was going on.
Now, I did not get a big unexpected refund. In fact after all was figured out, I did have to pay. I had thought I was going to get to use my daughter as a deduction for one more year, but that was not the case. She did get a very nice refund for all her hard work though. The second blessing came when I called my daughter to tell her the news. The first words out of her mouth after I told her how things had worked out were, "Can you pay yours Mom? You can use my money if you need to." I was so touched. You see during my very tough divorce my ex-husband's goal was to run me into the ground financially. He left leaving me with all the bills. It has been a tough time working on my financial recovery. However, when I have been truly in need God has always been there, just like He was this time to help me out. When I told someone about this later and they talked to my daughter she replied, "My mom has always been there for me and I will always be there for her." My daughter's love means more to me than any riches I could ever have. I had to stop and think if my daughter loves me this much how much more does God love me? Why was I ever so afraid of something so little compared to the big picture of my life? God showed me that He was there for me and would always be there for me. Little did I know how much he would show me this again just a few days later.
I was also plagued with some computer problems during this time, but this did not get me down. Although I could not post for several days I still got back to writing again. I was so thankful that God again answered my prayers. When ever I am dealing with trials I pray for God's help. Now I know we would all like God to remove the trials we go through, but sometimes there is a greater purpose we just don't understand. I have learned that I find comfort when I add to my prayers, that if God can't remove the trials from my life that He at least will show me in some way that His hands are on the situation and that He is in control. There was no doubt that God's hands were dealing with my tax time fears. But God went one step further too.
Earlier this week I had to drop off some art work across town before going to school. As I finished dropping off the work and headed off to school for my day of teaching I started getting some really strange feelings. As I continued to drive my thoughts turned to prayer for the day. I like to pray before starting my day teaching. It puts me in a good frame of mind to start my day. It was a very windy day that day but it was also sunny and clear. I was almost to school when I got behind a large vehicle like a suburban (I'm not much for identifying vehicles). On top of the vehicle there were two thick particle board panels (4 x 8 feet) tied down to the roof. After I prayed I still felt uneasy feelings, but could find no reason for them. A moment later I would understand.
With no notice, a very large gust of wind came up and caught the front end of the particle board panels snapping both of them in two. With no time or no way to avoid it I now had four thick large pieces of particle board blowing straight for my windshield edge ends first. People would tease me later, telling me that it sounded like the movie scene in, "Final Destination". All I could see was that these four boards were coming straight for me and I could do nothing. I could not pull to the right, because there was no shoulder just a deep gully. To do this would mean I would surely flip my car. I could not pull to the left because there was another car coming the other way and that would only mean a head on collision. There was only one option and that was to turn it over to God and to put my faith and trust in Him. Yes it was scary but the moment I turned it over to Him I got such a peace in my heart. It was amazing and so is what happened next.
I could still just watch as time seemed to slow down and the four panels edge first kept coming closer to barreling straight into my windshield. Then right at the very last moment before they hit, another strong gust of wind came. Three of the panels blew up and over the roof of my car and the last one that was trailing a bit behind the others blew down and hit the street. Only part of the last board bounced off the street doing only minor damage to my car. I was not hurt at all and my car only got a few scraps and scratches to be repaired. I could not believe my eyes and neither could the man that was driving the vehicle that the boards were tied to. All I could think was how much God's hands were there to touch every minute of our lives, even when we least expect it. I thought, "What do I have to fear when I am in God's hands?"
The more I have thought about the experiences that I have gone through lately the more I know that God was teaching me that with Him I have nothing to fear. Satan would love to have us all crippled with fear. When Satan does this He can keep us from serving God's will in a way that honors God's will and glorifies His name. Tax fears could not stop me, computer problems could not stop me, and nothing else will stop me either when God is with me.
The only thing that can limit me is my faith and trust in God. God has shown me again that there are no limits to His love for me. If you have fears turn them over to God. He is there to make your fears meaningless and to give your faith true meaning with His love and guidance. I praise you and thank you God for showing me that you are always there.
Find the prayer for this post at http://www.morefootstepsinthevalley.blogspot.com
No Cause For Fear
I count my blessings many
The times I fear grow few
The faith and trust I find
Helps my spirit to renew
The times that I get weary
The days when I am weak
I find a quiet time to pray
God's strength is what I seek
He's there when I don't see Him
My God hears me when I call
With loving grace and forgiveness
He picks me up each time I fall
I look for comfort in His word
My time for trials I'll not bemoan
The plans I follow are in His hands
The final answers are God's alone
With you my God I find my strength
With you there is no cause for fear
Safe within your loving hands
Showing me your always near.
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